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Depression and Autism

Janet: Hello, and welcome to this week’s show. I’m Janet Lewis.


Dr. Lewis: And I’m Dr. Lewis.


Janet: And we are Green Wisdom Health, home of your low cost lab work. Where we don’t guess, we test for what’s going on with your health. Instead of just selling you a bottle of pills, like many big box stores do. With that being said, we have a very exciting show for you today about, well I guess, I don’t know if exciting goes with depression but, educational show about depression and autism.


  You’re probably wondering how are those two things linked and what do they have to do with each other? But we’re going to tell you today a little bit about both and where some of this is coming from, or where a lot of it’s coming from, and give you some hope out there for people that are depressed or know someone that is. You don’t have to live a live in quiet despair.


  With that, Dr. Lewis can you educate us a little bit about how we need to get happy and what’s going on with our kids?


Dr. Lewis: Yeah you know one of the reasons we can make this link is because we can make this link with any two disease processes. Because the problems that create this is the same, and the solution is generally the same too. We’re going to talk over and over again, and I’m glad. We get a lot of feedback about how much people say they enjoy these podcasts. I feel like, well I’m just talking about the plastics, pesticides, phthalates, heavy metals, you know over and over again. But it’s still very, very true.


  We’ve not taken care of the heavy metals in our environment, that we knew was there many, many decades ago. And now the plastics, and phthalates, and fire retardants, and da da da da duh, it’s more prevalent than the heavy metals that can help you change a good physiology into a bad physiology, which might manifest as autism. Which I hope to get to talk about, and depression. And we’re going to talk about detox too. I don’t know where to start, Janet. If you’ve got a question, go for it. If not, I’ll just ramble.


Janet: Well, I just think it’s very ironic that we’re having this show today, because I literally just got back from seeing my nail lady, who does the most natural nail polish that she can. But she’s exposed to many chemicals down there, and she’s on depression medication. Many of the depression medications, obviously cause you to gain a lot of weight.


Dr. Lewis: Yeah oh, you don’t want to hear that, then you will get depressed, right?


Janet: Right, but I’m just amazed at how quickly someone’s weight can fluctuate just by being on the medications.


Dr. Lewis: Because it causes inflammation of the colon or the intestines; the GI tract.


Janet: Well I’d like you to talk a little bit about that. Explain that, what exactly, what is it doing? I mean it’s supposed to be helping you not be depressed, but then you get fat instead?


Dr. Lewis: Well it’s one of the potential side effects. Many people call us, or email us, and do the health survey, and say, “But I want to lose weight.” Now I say, “That I’m a chiropractor, this is not a weight loss thing. You’re not going to get a bunch of shots, and you’re not going to get the drugs. If you want quick, easy weight loss, go do the drugs.” It’s not necessarily healthy, but it’s quicker and easier. You have to get healthy, and to decrease this inflammation, and to detox your body can take a long time. Well, for example, this is going to fit in good.


  There’s this young lady I know, real, real, real well, and she begged me a few years ago to take her on as a patient.  And I said, “No,” and she says, “Why?” I said, “Because you’re not going to do what I tell you to do, and I don’t want to waste my time.” Now, I was not being rude to her, I said it in a very gentle manner. And she says, “Well you changed my husband, his diabetes reversed itself over a period of time, and he lost massive amount of weight.” She said, “He’s actually given me 12 compliments this month, that’s more than he’s given me in the 20 something years of marriage just because we decrease the inflammation and detoxed his body.”


  He was very compliant for a while, and I told her, “No, I really don’t think we’re a good mix. We know too much about each other.” She begged me, and I said, “Okay.” She was on Pax-All, Prozac, Wellbutrin, at least two of those, if not three. I said, “You got to go to your MD and let them help you off of that while we fix your gut.” Okay, there’s serotonin, reuptake inhibitors or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Well the reason you’re wanting to spare the serotonin is because your body’s not making enough anyway, because your GI tract’s not right.


  If you can go through the bumpy roads of getting off those drugs with the help of the doctor that put you on them, and fix your GI tract … Anyway, this young lady, and she’d been depressed all of her life, pretty severely. She lost, I’m guessing, 50 pounds or so. She got happy for the first time in her 50 something years, and I’ve known her that long. She did really, really, really well and she did get off all her antidepressants. She got off her acid reducer, which that creates it’s own problem. And I’m all for taking drugs, if your MD and you decide it’s a good thing, that’s fine and I’m all for the comfort that it brings. But you’re not really fixing the underlying problem. Anyway, she got great.


Janet: Well, and the lady that I saw today, she said, “Well I have to stop my Starbucks drinks, because the ones I’m having, I was told had 1500 calories in it per drink.” I was like, “What are you having?” Because she’s so lethargic I guess, because she’s toxic. She’s having to drink these high powered drinks from Starbucks, and they were literally putting in four shots of espresso in this drink.


Dr. Lewis: My hair’s standing on end just hearing about it.


Janet: They told her, “The reason it’s so full of calories is because they have to put a whole lot of heavy whipping cream in it to break down the espresso, because she wouldn’t be able to drink it that straight.”


Dr. Lewis: Yeah, to kind of buffer the stomach.


Janet: Yeah, so she said, “Oh I don’t believe that. So just cut back on it a little bit with the heavy whipping cream, so I don’t have so many calories.” She said, “I couldn’t drink it.” I said, “I couldn’t drink it anyway.” I think that’s just a sign of your so toxic, it takes that kind of a punch to get you energy.


Dr. Lewis: Yeah, that’ll get into adrenals and thyroid. Again, I’m a chiropractor, I don’t prescribe drugs, and I don’t try to get people off drugs. I just try to get people well. There was one study that I read, said there were a lot of military people that had a much, much higher rate of suicide even in the ones that didn’t go into combat in Afghanistan and Iraq. Well, unfortunately I’ve known many, many, many people that have committed suicide, and I offhand can’t think of a woman that did, but I can think of a lot of men. There might’ve been one or two, I’m not sure.


  The thing about it is to detox, and I’m going to talk about a product that is kind of knocking the socks off, and giving people great hope. Usually if you don’t have hope, you don’t have serotonin. Well, that’s not really true, if you’re not happy, you don’t have serotonin. If you don’t have hope, you need gaba. One of the things to do, and this is also is true of autism, which we’ll get into. Vitamin D deficiency, and that can have a significant effect on a persons mental health, because it has a significant effect on the detoxification pathways. Now it’s best if you can get it out of the sun, although I’ve only seen one person that can do that. You just almost always have to supplement.


  To get enough exercise, which that does a whole lot of things. Burns up the excess sugar, and lowers your insulin rate, but it also makes you sweat, and then you’re getting out toxins that you normally wouldn’t have. Eating healthy, and I cannot tell you how many times per day people say, “But I eat good.” I’m in my head saying, “No, you’re really not,” but I can’t really say that. People’s perception of a healthy diet is different than what it used to be. I’m telling you, what we eat is not healthy. We have a diet so full of inflammatory omega-6s, and that’s why you need massive amounts of ant inflammatory omega-3s. There’s a big difference in the fish oils too. Getting enough sleep, and that’s a problem.


  People say, “But I don’t sleep,” and I say, “Maybe a cortisol problem.” Sometimes you learn your negative behaviors and sometimes depression is genetic, and I think a lot of times it’s just learned. You can break the cycle by changing and decreasing the inflammation in the GI tract. Reducing your stress, I tell people, “Well you need to pray, you need to meditate. You need to go get quiet.” I’m real guilty of not getting quiet, like I use to. I did sit on the deer stand in December and was texting Janet about this huge nine point buck in front of me. She said, “Are you going to shoot it?” I said, “No, why? Disturb my peace?” I let it go, and it made it through the season, which it’s safe around me anyway.


  Some of these supplements that can really help, that reduce your stress and depression, is Saint John’s wort. I want you to be careful with that, because even though it’s been known to be effective with mild to moderate depression, it also can make certain medications not work very well, including birth control pills. If you don’t want to get pregnant and have a baby, that alone can cause stress if you’re taking Saint John’s wort and get pregnant. Zinc, there was a study in biological psychiatry that said low levels in the blood is linked to depression. Well it’s also linked to poor sperm count and swollen prostate, and lower immune system.


  Here’s the thing about zinc, we used to sell a 15 milligram zinc, and now we’re selling one that’s 54 milligrams, but it’s more absorbable. It’s the zinc bisgylcinate chelate, and even though it’s about three and half times the amount of the zinc that we used to sell, it’s not three and half times the price. It’s only, I don’t know, maybe 50% or 60% higher, but you’re getting … And this is the TRAACS, T-R-A-A-C-S. That’s the most absorbable stuff you can get, and we’ve had people, oh I had one yesterday. He said, “I don’t know what Dr. Lewis gave me, but now everything’s working good. My prostate’s working good,” and he’s had some pretty major problems with his bladder and prostate recently, so zinc is good.


  Something I don’t use much, is called SAMe. Sometimes I do use it, and sometimes Janet gives it to me if I get a little bit overly testy for a long period of time, but you don’t want to take too much of that. The thing we use the most, is 5-HTP, and people say, “Well I tried it, it didn’t work.” I said, “Try a different brand,” and they get on mine and they say, “Oh my god,” usually. That’s not always the answer, but many times it is. We use a 100 milligrams for adults, we have 50 milligrams for children, or very, very small people. It’s a very incredible thing. That’s the one when we give a sample out, people come back and say, “Oh my god, it was a piece of God in a bottle.” I know it works real well.


Janet: What about methyl CpG? Is that something that would be great for depression?


Dr. Lewis: That’s a good thing for you to bring up, because the next thing I was going to talk about is folate. It depends on who you listen to and what research you read, but there are some people that say, there’s at least 50% of our population have what’s called a 5-MTHFR genetic SNP, that’s S-N-P, for single nucleotide polymorphism. I’m not a geneticists, so. That means you can’t utilize folic acid.


  Now, what Janet was talking about, the methyl CpG, not only does it have massive amounts of the methyl B12, it has the 5-MTHF, which is the good folic acid. If you have the genetic SNPS to different degrees, you can actually utilize that. I’ve got a pot full of people taking that stuff, that just does a world of good. It helps methylation, which means it helps detox, which helps decrease depression, which helps decrease autism. I don’t know, Janet can tell when I don’t take that one capsule today, she knows.


Janet: That’s the magic word, the one capsule per day, because so many people go, “I don’t want to swallow many pills.” Well that’s one, so it lasts you two months for one bottle.


Dr. Lewis: Yeah.


Janet: It’s like magic.


Dr. Lewis: Yeah, and aromatherapy, that’s always listed. I’m a typical man, I didn’t believe in it until we took a course in it, and the lady was very convincing, and we do use some of that. The anxiety and depression can alter your blood pressure. I would like to say this, if a person is depressed and feels like they need to do harm to themselves or other people, you need to seek professional help. We have a lot of licensed counselors, and psychiatrist, and psychologists that you need to see if you feel like you’re going to do harm to yourself or others.


Janet: Well a lot of the kids nowadays are being put on medications in the schools for that kind of thing. I know this maybe goes with autism and all that, but there’s a lot of depressed children now.


Dr. Lewis: All or almost all of these school shooters have been put on Prozac, Paxil, Wellbutrin. It’s not to say these drugs may not do some good, but they also have a tendency to create manic problems, and phobias.


Janet: I remember back some years, it was Ritalin. They wanted to give all the kids Ritalin back then, and that was just when it was all coming out and we were like, “What are y’all doing to our kids?”


Dr. Lewis: That’s speed. We speed them up long enough til they burn out and become zombies, land of the walking dead. Whatever that show is, I don’t watch that kind of stuff, it’s scary. If you have these things, if you’re sad and depressed that’s one thing, but if it lasts, you need to stick with it. There’s questions about why women have it at a much, much higher degree than men. I think, well number one, men are not generally as in tune with their feelings. I think women generally work a lot harder and have more responsibilities. I really think they do. I know men, I had my man card taken away a long time, because I think women do work harder, and I do think they have more responsibilities.


  If you have these feelings of constant pessimism or feeling hopeless, there are answers. Again, some of that can be learned behavior, if you’re irritable, and I’ve told you Janet, she’s been known to hand me a pill from time to time because she thinks I’m a little bit irritated. Difficulty concentrating and making decisions. The opposite of love is not hate, the opposite of love is I don’t care, so pay attention to that. Poor memory, can’t sleep, or oversleep.


  Fatigue can be that but that can be linked to adrenals, to thyroid, to liver, to kidneys, and digestion. Feeling guilty over things, or the worthless, and aches and pains. Even in a lot of cases, I think of fibromyalgia. The people really are depressed or maybe the fibromyalgia hurts so bad it creates depression, and it doesn’t matter you just got to break the cycle. Even though it’s more common in women, you need to know the signs so that if it’s a man you can recognize that. You want to talk about autism for a minute?


Janet: I’m so depressed, I don’t know where to go with it, but yeah.


Dr. Lewis: There’s so much hope out there, it’s just incredible the people that’ve gotten good results. Once upon a time a few years ago, I was asked to give a talk to a group of people that had autistic kids. There’s different degrees of autism, autism spectrum disorder. I said, “Sure, I would love to.” I started preparing a PowerPoint presentation, and putting the research down there, and of course one of the patients is the one that asked me to do that. She knew what I was preparing, and in her excitement she told this group, “Oh Dr. Lewis has got this incredible presentation.” She went on, and on, and on, she was excited about it.


  The head honcho of the group called me and says, “You know, we don’t want you to give that.” I said, “Okay, but why not?” She says, “Because you’re going to give people hope.” I won’t tell you what I wanted to do. I might’ve been irritated at that. “You’re afraid I’m going to give them hope?” I have seen kids with autism get much, much, much more functional once you increase their detoxification pathways. For example, women that have autistic kids, if you look at the research, they all have lower vitamin D than women who don’t have autistic kids. That’s just one small way to detox the body.


  Mercury, and there’s books just written on mercury intoxication. That’s why they say, “Well don’t eat tuna and mackerel,” and all the kind of stuff. Well, the omega-3s in the tuna’s a good thing, but you’re filling them full of mercury. Other people think it’s just vaccines, and I don’t understand why we need to give kids 36 vaccines now when I think it was 10 a few years ago. I don’t think it was that much when I was a kid. I’m not really anti-vaccine, but I’m real, real anti the … I’m sorry Janet, I’m trying to clean this up. I’m anti the junk they put in it. It’s like you’ve got to be kidding me, you’re putting in more than the FDA says is safe.


  My question is, “Why would you say any of it’s safe in the first place?” That’s somewhere close to idiocy. Autism’s four times more prevalent in boys than girls, I don’t really know the reason. One of the things, I have read this both ways, so I don’t know the answer because I’ve read different research that said different things. I’ve always told you, “Be careful believing everything you ready,” it says, “Non-Hispanic or black and multi-racial children, have a lower instance for autism than white children.” I’ve read it to be the exact opposite, where Hispanic and blacks have a higher rate of autism.


  Well if that’s one true, that would be because just the skin color itself would make for a lower vitamin D level. Who knows what true, because there’s conflicting research, and that’s why I tell people, “Don’t get one research study and believe it. You got to read a whole lot of it, and see what it really says.” Some of it just points just to mercury, some of them point to all kinds of other things. And the fish, well we’ve had coal fired power plants for years, and the places I used to fish as a kid or now, they say, “Don’t eat the fish out of them.” We’re talking about small lakes.


Janet: Yeah, didn’t you all used to swim in some ponds that were like this beautiful color of aqua blue?


Dr. Lewis: Algae. Yeah, algae.


Janet: Yeah.


Dr. Lewis: I’m not sure that’s where she’s going with that.


Janet: No, I thought it was like a toxin, like a ore or something. Ore mines or something.


Dr. Lewis: Oh yeah, sure. The ore mines, they were full of some sort of minerals. They were nice and clear, yeah. Still would if I had a chance. Yeah, I grew up by the ore mines. The mercury’s a very potent neuro toxin, and it doesn’t have to take much.


Janet: I know, and what did we use to get? Mercurochrome.


Dr. Lewis: Oh yeah, monkey blood.


Janet: Yeah, I did not know that was mercury.


Dr. Lewis: Yeah.


Janet: You told me that one day and I thought, “We used to get that all the time, it would stay red for a day and a half.”


Dr. Lewis: Yeah, we were proud of our wounds. Even kids, they’re developing brains or damage when they’re exposed to low dose exposures in the womb before they’re even born folks. There are thousands and thousands of products, food products, that contain mercury. Like citric acid, sodium benzoate, and high fructose corn syrup. If you’re giving your kid a soft drink, down south here we call them all cokes no matter what they are, up north it’s pop.


  If it’s got high fructose corn syrup, it’s got a really really high chance of having mercury in it. Even organic high fructose corn syrup uses mercury in the manufacturing process. High fructose corn syrup is real, real prevalent. It’s no wonder we’ve got kids that have lower and lower and lower IQ’s. Even the European Union founded a lot of mercury concentrations in beverages, cereals, yeah cereals, bakery ware, sweeteners which can contain the high fructose corn syrup.


  They’re in levels way, way, way beyond that so called safe level, and that safe level’s bull anyway, because there ain’t no safe level. It depends on your ability to detox. I’ve got so much to say I promise you. When I write these things, and gather up research, I always have four, five times. Today I have about ten times more were going to get to. You can look at the blood and talk about autism source, and it’s gone up so dramatically in the last 15, 20 years. You have to realize it’s not your genes, because genes or genetics, does not change that fast. It always points to something in the environment as a trigger.


Janet: Yeah they say it’s gone up 23% in the last two years, and 78% in the past five, autism. There’s something happening.


Dr. Lewis: If you do the research, in a very few short years, one out of two people in America’s going to have autism, and one out of two people in America’s going to have Alzheimer/dementia. What’s going to happen, mark my word, in a very few years these home healthcare, they’re going to quit paying for the people to get home healthcare, or the insurance companies will. Then, you’re going to have people that are productive in society, that are working a job that are going to have to quit to go out and take care of their loved one. That’s really going to crater our economy.


  We need to learn to get healthy, and it’s not so complicated. We can tell you what to do. I’m going to talk about one of the things that we’re selling the holy heck out of, because it works. People talk about it, “Do you have a detox plan?” “Yeah if you’re taking these supplements, you’re detoxing.” There’s one called Core Restore, that’s a seven day product, and yes people lose weight. I know that’s what you’re interested in, but quit worrying about weight loss. This detoxes the heck out of you, it’ll be so bad you can’t hardly stand yourself in the bathroom, because you can smell the toxins coming out.


  This one does something special. It ramps up phase two before it ramps up phase one, because most of them do phase one, it goes to phase two, and overloads it. A quick easy analogy is, well if you want to flush out your plumbing, instead of running water through it which is phase one and overloading it, you’ve got to do phase two. Which is get the gunk, and the grease out of it. Phase two is the fat, and one of the reasons people have trouble losing weight is because the fat cells are very reluctant to let go of these toxins, so it’s better than a diet. How much do you want to talk about?


Janet: Well it comes with this cute little hand mixer I really like. We’ve started just selling them on the side, because they’re so cute. That way you can mix your little drink in the morning with it.


Dr. Lewis: They’re handy. They’re handy for trips to.


Janet: Yeah, they’re little portable battery operated hand mixers.


Dr. Lewis: This stuff is working better. What happens is people say, “Well my fatigue and irritability is better. My joints pain better. My brain fog, holy cow it’s gone.”


Janet: And it even tells you, there’s a book in there that tells you what to eat during the week so that you don’t eat the wrong things, and put your clog back in your pipe.


Dr. Lewis: That’s my favorite part, where Janet goes for the gadgets. It’s got some pretty serious nutrients, but phase two is the sulfation, the glucuronidation, the glutathione conjugation, amino acid conjugation, acetylation, methylation. Those are the ones that I’ve talked about for years, about being liver detoxification pathways. You got to, got to, got to take care of that liver.


  Your livers like your wife, if you’re wife ain’t happy, ain’t nothing going to be good. Then once that’s kicked into gear … I’m sorry, that’s actually the water soluble. Got that backwards, but phase one is the oxidation reduction of these molecules, and dehalogenation, and you need a lot of different nutrients for that. People are saying, “Oh my god, my digestive problems, I don’t have belching, bloating. Oh my hot flashes are gone. I don’t have allergies anymore.”


Janet: And it’s just for a week. Anybody can do a week, and it’s in a box, so it’s not hard to determine what you need. It’s called Core Restore, everything’s in the box.


Dr. Lewis: It’s pretty incredible. We’re getting massive people that are saying, “This is the bomb,” and they’re saying, “Oh I feel so good, can I stay on it?” The answer to that is, “Yes.” You’re getting a lot of toxins out, but you’re getting a lot of nutrients in. It’s kind of a shortcut. It’s a good hand holding detox.


Janet: Well, when you’re talking about depression and autism, is there a lab that you would recommend for people to do? So we have an idea of where to start with their health?


Dr. Lewis: Yeah, do the comprehensive GWH-3 that’s sent for Green Wisdom Health. We have a lot of things on the website, and I think just a comprehensive for that would just be incredible.


Janet: What is it that you can see in there that might help you determine whether or not somebody has depression issues?


Dr. Lewis: Well liver enzymes. You can look at the chloride, you can look at the globulin, you can look at the protein. That gives you a good idea of what’s happening with the, well, whether you’re detoxing or not. We look at the kidneys, we look at five parts of the thyroid. Thyroid, course you know I’ve talked about it a lot, that has a lot to do with how you’re doing. We look at cortisol, seeing what your stress levels are, whether too high or too low, or just right. Kind of like that bowl of porridge, this one’s too hot, this one’s too cold, this one’s just right. What’s that, the three bears story?


Janet: Goldilocks, yes.


Dr. Lewis: Yeah, okay.


Janet: Yeah, basically it’s not necessarily in someone’s head, it could actually be in their gut, and you could actually see it on lab perhaps.


Dr. Lewis: Everything is not chance, and I’ve told people for years, “Success leaves clues that’s real obvious, but so does failure.” If you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired, you can take control of your health. The best thing you can do, because I hear this all the time, “Well, I want my husband or wife to do this.” I tell them, “The best thing you do is keep your mouth shut, and be a good leader, and go ahead and show them. Not tell them. If you show them by doing it yourself, they’ll jump onboard.” That’s worked real, real well for the majority of people.


Janet: I like that. There is hope out there, and if you want to find out more, like Dr. Lewis said, go on our website, He’s suggesting that you do the lab, that is the GWH-3. And the reason it’s the GWH, is because it comes with a 30 minute free consultation with Dr. Lewis, so that he can go over the findings with you. Also, there is a health survey on there. If you don’t know how to get started, or you just to need to talk to him and figure out where to get help, fill out the health survey. Dr. Lewis will call you and try to make contact with you, and see if we can get you going in the right direction. We really appreciate you listening to us today. We want you to know there is hope out there, you don’t have to have a life that’s not worth living. Until next week, we’ll see you then. Take care.



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