Dr. Stephen Lewis and Janet have a long history of helping people achieve their maximum potential. Dr. Stephen Lewis stays current on the latest research pertaining to nutritional supplements and optimal health. Janet Lewis is a Certified Natural Health Consultant with a unique perspective on alternative and complimentary nutrition from studying with numerous national leading alternative health experts.
Paramount in their education was their trip to China while studying with traditional Chinese medical doctors. Dr. Stephen Lewis and Janet know the importance of proper nutrition in the healing process and maintenance of the human body. They incorporate the latest medical research into the decisions made while helping people with their nutritional decisions. After seeing a growing public need, they formed Green Wisdom Health to offer extremely low-cost blood work to determine the most appropriate nutritional products that are only available through a doctor’s office.
“We pride ourselves in supplying much-needed information on nutrition without the marketing hype. We understand the need to help the public understand more about proper nutrition.”
It all fits – honest information, quality nutrition, great prices, and improved health!
Green Wisdom Health provides Science-Based Nutrition, where you get information based on years of experience treating patients with natural compounds and verifying the results with pre and post lab tests. This service is provided without the need for waiting for hours and spending lots of money in a conventional doctor’s office. We also provide access to the professional-grade products that you need. This ensures that you get only the formulas that you need based on your specific health needs.
Located in Longview, Texas, Green Wisdom Health offers medical lab services in or near your hometown without the need for expensive office visits and long waits. Now you can monitor your health status, check your cholesterol, thyroid function, liver function, etc. anytime you want, and at a reasonable cost. As part of the service, when you purchase a featured lab panel, you receive a consultation explaining the results, a copy of your lab work for your files and recommendations for specific nutritional needs you may have. There are absolutely no hidden fees.