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The Comprehensive Guide to Overcoming Tiredness and Increasing Vitality

Welcome to another episode of Green Wisdom Health. Today, we dive deep into a pervasive issue affecting many of us today—fatigue and lack of energy. We explore the underlying causes of this modern malaise, discuss holistic approaches to regain vitality and enthusiasm for life, and tell you why being fat is good! “Being FAT, faithful,…

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Ensuring Supplement Purity: Not all Supplements are Created Equal

Today on Green Wisdom Health, Dr. Stephen Lewis and Janet Lewis dive deep into the world of supplement quality, unraveling the mysteries behind why some supplements may benefit you more than others and how you can ensure you’re getting the most bang for your buck. We know that even with the best diet, additional support…

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Food Intolerances Are Becoming More Common: What You Need To Know

A growing number of people suffer from food sensitivities – by some estimates, more than one in five people experience uncomfortable symptoms after eating certain foods. Yet, despite their prevalence, many of us don’t realize we have a food sensitivity. Instead, we assume the common symptoms, like bloating, fatigue and “brain fog,” are just normal…

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Mushrooms: The Underrated Superfood                

Mushrooms have been used for centuries, across many cultures as both food and medicine. A growing body of research now centers on the many benefits of mushrooms both on our physical and mental health. If you’ve only thought of mushrooms as a nice addition to a stir-fry, it’s time to learn more about these fascinating…

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Top 10 Superfoods for Longevity

The small choices we make every day add up to a lasting impact on our long-term health. One of the most striking examples of how good decisions lead to good outcomes is the role of our everyday food choices on longevity. Growing research points to the importance of diet on both quality of life and…

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Spring Detox: It’s Time to Recharge!

Spring is a time for renewal, rebirth, new beginnings – and spring cleaning. One survey found that almost 80% of us embark on at least one spring cleaning project at this time of the year, with bedrooms, closets, and kitchens being the top priorities. With this focus on fresh starts, it’s also a great time…

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Top 10 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

If weight loss and a healthier lifestyle are at the top of your list of New Year’s resolutions, you’re not alone. Many people start out the new year vowing to drop some pounds – but not all succeed. This may be due to an under functioning metabolism – the rate at which we burn calories…

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Understanding Your Blood Sugar for Optimal Health

Are you noticing more stubborn belly fat? Experiencing wild sugar cravings? Constant fatigue and sudden crashes in energy? It could be because of a blood sugar imbalance! Our dietary choices and lifestyle practices play a huge role in either maintaining balance or spiking blood sugar levels. The number of people with pre-diabetes and type 2…

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Don’t Let Fibromyalgia Slow You Down

Many patients with fibromyalgia have come to us after facing many barriers when trying to relieve their symptoms, or even get a firm diagnosis. The lack of agreement on best practices for symptom relief makes this condition difficult to navigate, and the frustration is often made worse by the wide range of possible symptoms, often…

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Top 10 Tips for Good Digestion

“A good digestion turneth all to health.” George Herbert Good digestion is essential to our health – and our mood – and when it’s all working smoothly, we tend to take it for granted. It’s not until things go wrong that digestion moves to the forefront of our minds. If you are someone who suffers…

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