Losing weight is one of the most common New Years resolutions people make each year, but few are able to actually lose the weight they want to lose. People often ask us what they can do to lose weight, or why they are not losing weight even though they are eating healthy food and exercising more often. There are several things that can slow weight loss including high estrogen levels, imbalanced cortisol, or a blood sugar issue. Let’s take a deeper look at what could be slowing your weight loss, and what you can do about it.
Estrogen Dominance
Some experts have claimed that hormones essentially make up who you are, and that if your hormones are imbalanced then your mood, metabolism, appetite, etc. will likely not be balanced either. One common hormonal condition is called estrogen dominance, and it can affect men and women of any age. There are several reasons as to why estrogen levels in Americans have risen over the years, but many experts believe one of the causes is the high number of endocrine disruptors (hormone disruptors) we encounter each day in our plastic products, perfumes, soaps, etc., and the decline in fruit and vegetable consumption. Constipation may also contribute to high estrogen levels because excess estrogen is metabolized by the liver and excreted through stool, but when a person does not have regular bowel movements, the stool may stay in their intestines for longer than normal, allowing the body to reabsorb the estrogen it was trying to get rid of.
Abnormally high estrogen levels can cause several different symptoms in men and women, but some of the most common include mood swings and increased fat deposits especially around the stomach, hips and thighs. High estrogen can also contribute to gynecomastia, a condition in which the breast tissue in a man begins to grow. Eating more organic vegetables and drinking plenty of water each day may help you have regular bowel movements to help balance estrogen levels. You can also take DIM 150 which helps the body metabolize estrogen into the safer forms, and may help balance the effects of high estrogen.
Imbalanced Cortisol
Cortisol is often called the stress hormone, and it is released by the adrenal glands when the body experiences any kind of stress. With the high-stress lives that a large portion of Americans lead, it is easy to have high cortisol, or burned-out adrenal glands which lead to low cortisol. Both high and low cortisol have their own negative health effects and it is to have these tested to make sure yours are balanced. Cortisol can hinder weight gain by increasing our cells’ resistance to insulin, which can cause high blood sugar and weight gain. Imbalanced cortisol can also increase sleep issues, and lead to decreased energy levels which can make exercising more difficult. There are supplements formulated for high and low cortisol, but if you have had not had your cortisol levels tested, a supplement like Pantothenic Acid Complex might help provide the nutrients your body needs to regulate cortisol levels.
Insulin Resistance
Blood sugar issues are increasingly common in America, and is largely due to our high-sugar, high-carb diets. When high amount of carbohydrates (carbohydrates are converted into glucose in the body) or sugar is consumed, blood sugar levels quickly rise. This causes the body to release insulin in an attempt to use and store the sugar, and to keep it from damaging nerves and organs. When this is done every day, the cells eventually start to respond to inulin less and less. This is called insulin resistance, where the cells essentially “ignore” the insulin being produced. So, the pancreas begins to excrete more insulin to try to bring the high sugar levels down, but this taxes the pancreas, and it too will start to get tired and struggle to produce the same amount of insulin it used to.
High insulin levels can contribute to weight gain because it makes the body store the excess sugar you consume as fat. So, if you eat a lot of sugar, then the pancreas produces more insulin which makes the body store more of that sugar as fat. Over time, this cycle of high blood sugar and increased insulin production can contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes and other health conditions. Reducing the amount of sugar and processed carbohydrates you consume is arguably the best step you can take towards balancing your blood sugar levels. Being more active may also help lower blood sugar levels and help the body’s cells respond better to insulin. There are also some supplements like Gluco Support that contain nutrients that may help your body regulate blood sugar levels.
There are many things that may make it more difficult to lose weight, but don’t give up. You can run blood tests through us to see if your hormones, cortisol and insulin levels are balanced and see if any of those could be slowing your weight loss. You can also try some of the supplements mentioned above, along with a diet low in sugar and processed carbohydrates, and more time spent being active. We would love to help you reach your goals this year!
You can listen to our Burning Up Those Stubborn Calories podcast episode here. You can also listen to it on our YouTube channel here.