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Sweet Death and Nutritional Deficiencies


Janet Lewis: Hello and welcome to this weeks show. I am Janet Lewis.


Dr. Lewis: And I’m Dr. Lewis.


Janet Lewis: We are here to bring you a very exciting show about sugar. Well sugary things called The Sweet Death and Nutritional Deficiencies. I think we’ve gathered this show based on some things we’ve been hearing and seeing lately on TV. We are Green Wisdom Health, home of the Low Cost Lab Work here to educate you about things you may not know or things you want to know more of. I’m not sure which one. This all started because of an ad or something that we saw about Coca-Cola or Diet Coca-Cola, and people thinking that they were losing weight because they were drinking a Diet Coke. Oh I remember it was a Facebook deal where someone was eating all this bad food but they had a-


Dr. Lewis: Aspartame messes with your memory too Janet.


Janet Lewis: Yes and they had a Diet Coke so that everything was going to be great. Dr. Lewis if you could kind of just tell us what we’re here to learn today would be great.


Dr. Lewis: Yes you ever notice I always have somebody that’s young, rich, and good looking and all that, and I’ve said that about beer commercials too. If they showed you on the ditch, down in the gutter throwing up beer might not be as attractive. I even taught my kids when they were tiny, tiny don’t succumb to advertisement because they’re not necessarily telling the truth, they’re just projecting it in a light that’s more positive than what it really is.


  When I talk bad about aspartame, same goes with sucralose. Have you ever noticed that people say, “Well I want a double bacon cheeseburger, super-size the fries, and give me a Diet Coke please.” Actually there’s plenty of research and it goes on and on and on about how this stuff actually tricks your brain into putting down more fat than if you ate the real thing. One of the things it does is it is sweet, then what happens is it doesn’t deliver the calorie load so your body gets confused, and that is one of the cascade of things that makes you start to gain weight.


  There’s a lot of studies, one of them they followed I think it’s close to 500 diet soda drinkers for about 10 years and found that the diet soda drinkers-


Janet Lewis: Yes, their waist grew by 70%.


Dr. Lewis: More than the ones that drank regular sodas, 70% more. Two drinks or more per day had like a 500% greater increase in waist size. When I read that article it’s like well you’re putting it very nicely, I’m not always this nice and I’ve been told that a lot lately so I’ll try to be very polite today. I apologize to people that I’ve hurt their feelings, but at least it comes out of passion. There’s a big correlation between the consumption of sucralose and aspartame to waist circumference and how much you weight, it’s terrible. If it says low calorie, zero sugar, or diet I run like crazy. I would not consume it, and I’ve been in people houses and they’ll say, “Hey doc, got this sugar free thing here,” and it’s like oh God I don’t want to hurt this sweet lady’s feelings but I don’t want to eat this poison either. It kind of puts you in a bind there.


  The artificial sweeteners they kind of mess with your metabolism. Like I said it’s usually sweeter than sugar the way it hits your tongue, but it doesn’t deliver the calories that your food would provide. That helps increase your appetite is what it does, it tricks your brain. It increases your risk of diabetes and metabolic diseases, but when I say the word diabetes I always think of Wilford Brimley, “I got diabetes,” with that big old beautiful mustache of his. When you eat something sweet we usually eat because it releases one of the neurotransmitters or the happy hormones, which is dopamine and that kind of causes your brain to feel like it’s rewarded. I told people when I get stressed I’d rather have Blue Bell ice cream than Shiner Bock beer, Texas companies for those of you that are listening outside of Texas.


  Since it messes with your leptin, it doesn’t tell your brain that you’re full because you haven’t had enough of the calories ingested. I’d say stay away from it because it’s horrible to you. I don’t know, I just look at it like you’ve been eating that stuff and you just get bigger and bigger and bigger and you get more arthritic, you get more joint pain, you get more irritable. I’d say stop it.


Janet Lewis: Well I think it’s interesting that aspartame is actually a synthetic chemical composed of the amino acids phenylalanine and aspartic acid with a methyl ester.


Dr. Lewis: Say it three times fast, that’s sexy.


Janet Lewis: I got it out once. When that’s consumed methyl ester breaks down into methanol, which may be converted into formaldehyde.


Dr. Lewis: Well methanol’s not a good thing either.


Janet Lewis: Isn’t that what they embalm people with?


Dr. Lewis: Yes, well-


Janet Lewis: I don’t know, that’s just spooky.


Dr. Lewis: Okay, some will say something real gross, please forgive me. I was trying to be nice here but you know I’ve treated a lot of people that served in Vietnam, and as gross as this is, I’m sorry to say it, the people that came back and I’ve treated they said, “Well our soldiers didn’t decompose nearly as fast as the Vietnamese or Viet Cong soldiers because we were so full of some sort of toxins.” You wonder if that’s not part of it and I don’t know that that’s a fact and I’m sorry if that freaks you all out, but this is what many of the Vietnam veterans have told me. We need to detoxify our body, which we’re going to talk a little bit about that. You know I talk about that all the time too and the importance of taking the nutrients that will help do that and other ways to do it.


  There’s plenty of researchers that says that it increases your cancer risk. One of the articles said it had a high incidence of brain tumors that were identified in aspartame fed rats and it’s like, well the moral of the story is don’t be a rat, and it’s like no it’s not really true because there was somebody that testified in front of Congress, I think it was back in the late 90s that said that aspartame definitely contributed to brain tumors in humans. Well if they testified before Congress, why does Congress still let that stuff be put in our food? It’s in over 6,000 products. A lot of times it’s in stuff that you don’t know that you’re consuming. From Harvard they reported in 2012 that there was a positive association between aspartame intake and increased risk of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and multiple myeloma in men and leukemia in men and women. Shouldn’t that scare you away? And heart disease, here’s a good one. This study checked about 60,000 post-menopausal women, they followed them for about 10 years and drinking just two diet drinks a day increased their risk of early death from heart disease.


  Next time you go somewhere, you’re probably eating in the wrong place if they serve diet drinks anyway and don’t supersize the french fries, fried in all kinds of nasty grease.


Janet Lewis: The new thing now because people are going to go, “Oh I don’t drink Diet Cokes anymore. I changed to Coke Zero.”


Dr. Lewis: You’ve just been fooled by the advertisements that my children, when they were three, four, five years old, were smart enough to know better.


Janet Lewis: Well can you tell us the difference between the zero calorie Coca-Cola plus or the Coca-Cola Zero? What makes it different?


Dr. Lewis: They’re just rebranding it so people won’t think about it. A Diet Coke got a bad name so now they’re naming it Coke Zero and hoping people don’t make that association. There’s also been other correlations made between dementia, other brain diseases, and aspartame. I’ve noticed that, that the people, not all of them but a higher incidence of people that have early onset dementia were the ones that consumed the most diet drinks, so dementia and stroke, brain diseases.


Janet Lewis: Well how about Splenda? Isn’t that a great choice? I just love setting him up over here for the answers. If you all could see his face it’s just priceless.


Dr. Lewis: If you could see what’s going through my head it’d be priceless but you’d have to beep me. I think of the term BS, and that stands for belief systems or bacon sandwich to one of my favorite preachers. He said, “I say bacon sandwich in the pulpit, they know what it means.” Which I admire him for being that way. No, don’t do it.


Janet Lewis: Because Splenda, if this is correct, has also been linked to health effects like increased calorie consumption also right? It makes you gain weight.


Dr. Lewis: It messes with your brain, it messes with your leptin, it messes with … We used to have this lady who worked for us named Jena Lee, it’s adiponectin, adiponectin. There’s a lot of chemical and hormonal reactions that just trust me, don’t do it.


Janet Lewis: Well it increases the risk of cancer in mice and it disrupted insulin response.


Dr. Lewis: Don’t be a mouse.


Janet Lewis: Then a ladder case when study participants drank that Splenda sweetened beverage, their insulin levels rose about 20% higher than when they consumed only water prior to taking a glucose challenge test.


Dr. Lewis: Yes their pancreas puts out insulin, says, “I’m all dressed up, with no where to go,” which means insulin has nothing to work on, which is a bad thing.


Janet Lewis: Then it also showed that a 12 weeks of consuming Splenda, these rats led to significant alterations in their gut micro flora, including reductions in beneficial micro flora.


Dr. Lewis: Okay, Janet got into something I’d forgotten about. Yes, you know that not having the right bacteria in your GI tract can alter genetic expression, so you want to do as much as you can to go with these non-Splenda, non-aspartame, non-sucralose things. Put in prebiotics, put in a massive amount of probiotics, it’s very, very important. I’m going to try to change the subject. I hear all the time, and people say it almost everyday, but my doctor or my aunt, or my cousin, or my momma, or my daddy says you can get everything you need out of the food. If they say that you need to run because they don’t know what they’re talking about. I’m going to present a case for why you cannot get it out of your food, so Janet I think is okay that I switch gears here.


  Why should you take vitamins, but they’ve got to be good vitamins because the vitamins they put in and fortify your food are not good vitamins, they’re synthetic. For example, there is a Senate document in 1936 and you can look it up, I forget the number on it, but they said back then, 1936 that’s way before me, that our soils were depleted of minerals. Think about it. American’s are, for the most part, the most well fed but undernourished people in the history of the world, and that’s because it’s depleted, our soils are depleted of the nutrients. Our soils are depleted of the micro organisms and is saturated with pesticides. The way we fertilize our plants are not good. For example, but vegetables in the 1990s had lower nutrient contents than those grown in the 1950s, which depending on what they were testing and where they were testing it, it had 6% less nutrients up to 76% less nutrients and folks that includes organic. Organic you’re not getting all the pesticides and that’s a good thing, but don’t think that you’re getting everything you need to do.


  Then think about this. You’re eating animals that are fed genetically modified plants, grains and it’s full of glyphosate, which does the same thing and then it stresses them out, then you’re getting your stress hormones are ramped up just from eating that pig or cow or chicken. They get fewer nutrients in their feed and then you think that it’s making you healthier. The mineral content is very, very important and that’s why you really, really need to supplement. It’s got to be good, and many people have heard me say this that you don’t know if it was one part per million of this or 16,000 parts per million. Sometimes one of the things it said, there’s one that says 68 parts per million, but the lowest had one part per million, but the 68 parts per million was very, very deficient in the first place and that was testing copper and manganese.


  The ammonium nitrate, for example, that’s what makes the leaves grow, replaces other nutrients like calcium, magnesium, potassium, and making plant tissue. How many times have you heard me say, “You might as well just take magnesium, there’s no way in the world you can get it out of your food.” Pretty much the same thing with potassium. Calcium a little bit, that’s a little bit true. We think about I’m gluten sensitive or I’m allergic to gluten, well because the way we feed our plants, the fast food that we feed them, it increases their protein content and this aberrant protein is caused by the synthetic fertilizers, but that protein is gluten. In our plants we have four to 40 times more gluten than we had even back in the 1970s and yes I was around for that. It’s getting to be a bad situation, so you just have to, have to, have to supplement.


  One of the biggest things that we’re toxic about, and we’re going to get into that, we have some questions there, there’s generally an average of around 200 different pesticide residues detected on all foods. That’s pretty good because that’s over 100,000 tests and they averaged it out. These pesticides have been linked to cancer, asthma, respiratory diseases, damage to nervous system including Parkinson’s, damage to the reproductive system, hormonal imbalances, how many people are getting bioidentical hormones because they have a hormone imbalance? Bunches, more and more, and it’s because we’re doing something wrong in our society the way we’re growing our food. You think about that for a little bit and I guarantee we’re not going to get around to everything I have written here.


Janet Lewis: We have lots of things.


Dr. Lewis: Yes, where do you want to go next Janet?


Janet Lewis: Oh, well basically I wanted to talk a little bit about the product that helps with this insulin resistance issue because … Well let me rephrase that. As you’re having all these sweeteners and things you’re creating insulin resistance, correct?


Dr. Lewis: Yes.


Janet Lewis: Okay, then aren’t you essentially depleting the calcium from your bones when the sugar gets high because-


Dr. Lewis: It buffers the acidity yes.


Janet Lewis: Okay, so we have a new product that we are so excited about called K-FORCE, and for you guys that are patients of ours you’re used to it being called something like K2-D3, 80K2. This K-FORCE-


Dr. Lewis: Which were good products but this is better.


Janet Lewis: They were great. This is like those on steroids, and the reason why that is is because I didn’t know much about vitamin K, but when we started learning about it, why is it important to go with vitamin D? A lot of people are just used to getting vitamin D. The vitamin K is actually, when calcium … Just say calcium is coming to a hotel and he needs a place to stay. He enters the door of the hotel, well there’s a doorman there that’s waiting for him, which is vitamin D, it’s waiting to help him out. Vitamin D says, “Hey calcium, just hang out here in the lobby and look around.” Well calcium goes on into the lobby and he doesn’t know which room is his so he just stays in the lobby. Along comes the bellhop who is vitamin K that comes to take calcium, the luggage, up to the room so that it goes into the correct room. I know that’s a very simple way of looking at it but for me I get that, and Dr. Lewis can explain why, with the science behind it, that it works so much better than just taking the straight vitamin D.


Dr. Lewis: Well I think what you said was really good. There’s a lot of research that says the higher concentrations at 100 micrograms per day of vitamin K, now it’s got to be the right kind, this is Menaquinone-7 or MK-7. It actually helps with optimal support for bone and for cardiovascular health, and there is a lot of vitamin K depletion because we don’t get it in our diet and about 70% of the Western population is deficient. That’s one of the reasons why we have clogged, i.e. calcium riddled arteries and osteoporosis has gone ballistic. We’re getting very, very good results. The MK-7 is much more active, has a longer half-life, and it actually accumulates at higher concentrations in the serum than vitamin K1. It’s a really good thing.


  Not only is it good for cardiovascular health, it’s good for blood sugar balance, which Janet kind of alluded to there. Vitamin K, since it helps the blood sugar metabolism, it slows down the metabolic syndrome that I talk about a lot and it helps with health elasticity of the arteries and the cardiovascular function. Anyway it’s a good thing, I take it.


Janet Lewis: Basically it gets directed where it needs to go, and for you guys that aren’t even taking the prior products we had for that, this actually has twice the amount of K in it, so that’s why we were really excited about it because it’s like, “Hey we got a big bell hop to take us to the room now.”


Dr. Lewis: It’s the perfect amount, it’s the studied amount where it gets the most effectiveness.


Janet Lewis: If you’re new to our show and just now listening and we’re going to get to our questions here in a minute, but some of you have no clue what we do. Some days we have no clue what we do, but-


Dr. Lewis: That’s everyday.


Janet Lewis: Basically we run very low cost lab work so that we’re not guessing at what’s wrong with your health. If you hear something on our show today and wonder, “Hey, I wonder if my sugar is high? Hey, I wonder if my vitamin D is low? Hey, I wonder if I’m hurting myself with these diet things I’m having?” The lab panel that we’re recommending for today’s show is our comprehensive panel, it’s the GWH3 and I tell you that because when you get on our website at they are featured lab panels that are on our webpage because with that panel you not only get that lab that is 12 different panels a lab, which is about $3,500 normally at your doctors office. Right now it’s $298 and it comes with Dr. Lewis’ consultation that comes with that for up to a 30 minute going over those lab results so you’re not guessing at what’s wrong.


Dr. Lewis: Might be a good thing but it might not.


Janet Lewis: You get a functional medicine report to show you where numbers are optimal, not just in range and Dr. Lewis tells you that also but it’s a pretty green, yellow, and red chart that you can see for yourself. We also give you a list of recommended supplements of what he’s recommending to get you back on track so you can start having a life worth living. That is the comprehensive GWH3, and now we are going to try to make it through these questions because we didn’t have a show last week so we’ve got a lot this week. We’re going to try to move through them. Dr. Lewis might not go into too many rabbit holes so we’ll get him to answer them.


  First there were a couple of things he wanted to mention that he saw on some different TV shows that kind of struck a nerve with him.


Dr. Lewis: A lot of things strike my nerve.


Janet Lewis: One of them was the CDC says that diseases from mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas have tripled since 2004.


Dr. Lewis: What does that tell you? That tells you our immune system has gone to heck in a bucket. Why is that? Well we can go into the genetically modified food, the altered micro biome. I’m freaking Janet out because I’m telling people we’re getting some new, better, oh my God incredible lab test. You’ll know about them soon as soon as we can get our IT guy to get them up.


Janet Lewis: That’s why he’s freaking me out because he’s making me work harder.


Dr. Lewis: Yes, everybody knows she does a lot more work than me, but we can better test your immune function and know what to do about it. It’s not that there’s more mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas, or fleas and ticks, or I call them flicks and teas, but it’s because our immune system has gone to heck in a bucket. Okay next.


Janet Lewis: Cool.


Dr. Lewis: Sorry, I never talk fast until this show.


Janet Lewis: That was really good.


Dr. Lewis: Thanks, a rabbit hole.


Janet Lewis: A study finds loneliness is at epidemic proportions in America.


Dr. Lewis: Well I’ve talked about that too. We’ve become a nation of consumers. I mean you know I’m a big gun nut, sorry for you that aren’t, but I used to get great grin and glorious pleasure out of buying stuff and I said back in the 80s I said, “Having a BMW the thrill goes away a lot sooner than the payment does.” We’ve become a nation of we get our thrill from consuming things rather than creating friends. We’re getting, I see it everyday, people are stuck on information. Get on Facebook, what’s next, what’s next, what’s next? Let’s get on Google, let’s get on email. We’ve gotten hooked on information. We are a nation of too much information and too little action, I think that’s going to be the name of a show coming up too. Build relationships folks.


Janet Lewis: Regular sauna visits lower your risk of strokes.


Dr. Lewis: Yes this was on Good Morning America and that’s one of the things that I’ve said for years. Far infrared saunas one of the easiest ways to detox. Maybe Janet will get me a far infrared sauna sometime for my birthday or Christmas so I can be less toxic to live with.


Janet Lewis: Sure, okay. Now we have a, well actually it’s a-


Dr. Lewis: Statement?


Janet Lewis: A statement from a lady named Alice B. She says, “So I’ve been on a regimen that Dr. Lewis suggested to help detox me as I go through getting my amalgam fillings out, and about two weeks in my skin is amazing. The firmness and wrinkles are noticeably improved. What gives Dr. Lewis? I will now need to stay on this miracle concoction.


Dr. Lewis: I always put them on something for their skin because women don’t care about anything but pretty skin, hair, and nails, and men don’t care about anything but testosterone. She told me she was taking HM complex, which stands for heavy metal. Lipotropic detox to help your liver detox in different ways and liposomal C to help grab onto the amalgams if there was that mercury coming out of the mouth. She got more firm skin and yes we sell a lot of the collagen, the patented studied human trial study collagen type 1 and type 2 that were getting some pretty serious good results from. Yes, if you throw it in there your body can definitely detox it.


Janet Lewis: Very good, so the HM complex what does that do exactly? Somebody else asked me about that today.


Dr. Lewis: Well it’s kind of a daily detox cocktail with all the different things in it too.


Janet Lewis: That helps pull out heavy metals and-


Dr. Lewis: Yes it binds with it. Some of the higher levels of zinc, selenium, alpha lipoic acid, etc., etc.


Janet Lewis: Now we have Joe L. that wants to know is Colon Max, which is a product we have here for constipation, okay to use for kids who have constipation in replacement of the often prescribed MiraLax?


Dr. Lewis: I think Colon Max is probably too strong. I would suggest Super Aloe 250, and getting their gut function better and that would be probiotics and fish oil helps with that. Probiotics and a lot of fiber, make them eat more vegetables and fruits and drink a lot of water.


Janet Lewis: Yes, the Super Aloe is just aloe vera so it’s not anything.


Dr. Lewis: It’s not one of those bad ones the GI doctors warn you about, it’s not cascara.


Janet Lewis: Well isn’t MiraLax got some pretty bad stuff in there.


Dr. Lewis: It’s controversial, let’s just leave it at that.


Janet Lewis: Then the last question we have here is still from Joe. Do you have any ideas for bedtime snacks for kids? They often want cereal but I’m guessing this is probably not the best option.


Dr. Lewis: When I was a kid I had two choices, take it, leave it, or get daddy’s belt. Other than that.


Janet Lewis: That doesn’t sound like a very good bedtime snack to me.


Dr. Lewis: Okay, I was going to be polite the whole time. I can’t make it. I think apples are good. I think avocados are incredible. Our little four year old granddaughter will come in, “Papa, avocado.” She also asks for chips and hot sauce but I try to steer toward the avocado. Boiled eggs, I peel a lot of those for her. If you get them a good protein and a good fat usually that will make their hunger go away and they’ll feel more full and more satisfied and helps their behavior too.


Janet Lewis: Yes because I think actually the cereals and things actually make them hungrier because it’s making them want to eat more.


Dr. Lewis: It does.


Janet Lewis: We’ve noticed that. If our grandkids will eat cereal then an hour later they’re hungry again, and I think a bunch of it is the yeast, it’s craving something else really bad because that kind of feeds it a bunch of times and it’s pretty empty. It’s not protein so it’s not really filling them up.


Dr. Lewis: You know how polite I always am? I had a friend 10 years younger than me and he says, I need to lose weight and I said, “You need to quit eating grain.” He said, “No, the United States Department of Agriculture says eat seven to 11 servings of grain per day.” I said, “Donald, when you were in FFA and you wanted to fatten up your calf what did you feed him?” He says, “Grain.” He says, “Oh my God you caught me.” He needed to lose a whole lot of weight. Finally years later another doctor told him the same thing and he’s following this other doctor’s advice and he’s lost 50, 75 pounds. Looks great and probably going to live longer because his heart was getting kind of questionable. Grain is not a good thing. If you can make cows fat with it. The only thing I think grain is good for is maybe making beer and then that’s kind of questionable too.


Janet Lewis: Basically having a protein at night would help them sleep better?


Dr. Lewis: Yes but I like high fat, good fat, which avocados, coconut oil, butter. That helps too, fat and protein.


Janet Lewis: Well very good. We hope you guys have been educated once again and Dr. Lewis you have anything else that we left out?


Dr. Lewis: Real quickly, you know we were talking about nutrient deficiency and people they say no you can get it all out of your food. I’m going to read something real quick. It says lack of B vitamin is common and this is from New England Journal of Medicine. Lack of thiamin makes blood brain barrier more leaky. Journal of Experimental of Neurology and the lack of thiamine, that’s the Benfotiamine I put you all on. Lack of B vitamin cause psychosis, British Journal of Psychiatrists. B vitamin is needed to convert amino acid tryptophan to serotonin, the neurotransmitter, Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine. Post-partum depression is due to low levels of B vitamins, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Then PMS becomes worse with a lack of vitamin D, Journal of Lancet.


  Folks, if we can get all this out of the food why are these medical journals publishing this? This is some B vitamins, I could go on for hours.


Janet Lewis: Unfortunately we don’t have hours to go over all of it. You guys go out and get you something that’s not aspartame for a drink today like-


Dr. Lewis: Cold beer.


Janet Lewis: Water with lemon or a lime.


Dr. Lewis: Yes, water with lemon or lime.


Janet Lewis: Because that actually helps stop your cravings for sweets. If you have questions please email us. We also have a Facebook group that you can be a part of called Shooting Straight with Dr. Lewis. Just shoot us an email or give us a call and we’ll be happy to add you to that group and Dr. Lewis will enlighten you with his Dr. Lewisisms on there as well. We hope you guys have a very blessed week and we’ll see you right here next time.



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