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Many people want to lose weight, and they have often tried diet and lifestyle changes with little results. While there can be several contributing factors to this like hormone imbalances, mold exposure, and imbalanced thyroid function, one of the lesser-known influences is your toxic burden. Toxic burden refers to the cumulative exposure you have had to different toxins from air, water, food, cosmetic products, etc. Many of these toxins build-up in the body and can have lasting effects, affecting many different parts of the body in different ways. Fortunately there are things you can do to help avoid toxins in the future, reduce your current toxin burden and speed up detoxification. In this week’s episode, Is Your Toxic Burden Stopping Weight Loss?, we will discuss some symptoms of a high toxic burden, and give you some solutions to help your body detox.
Show Transcription
Is Your Toxic Burden Stopping Weight Loss?
00:00:01 – 00:05:04
Welcome to the green wisdom health podcast, with doctor Steven and Janet Lewis, where you will learn about natural solutions to common ailments. And now, here are your hosts doctor Stephen and Janet Lewis. Hello and welcome to this week’s edition of the green wisdom health show. I’m Janet Lewis. And I’m doctor Lewis. And today we are going to discuss with our one of our favorite guests that we have come in from time to time, Casey. Apparently it’s one of your favorites too. So thank you for the feedback. Yeah, I know he is good. We learned so much and people are really understanding differences in products because of him. But today he’s going to talk with us about is your toxic burden stopping your weight loss and you’re probably going, what’s toxic burden? Well, many people are very burdened with so many toxins and then they go and try to lose weight and their bodies going, oh please. I can’t do this. So he’s going to discuss why that could be happening. Of course, doctor Lewis is going to chime in with his isms. And hopefully he’s how this together for you with a lot of fun. So Casey, welcome. Thank you. Always, always a pleasure to be here. You know, we learned so much about fish all the last time and I can’t tell you the collagen story has really helped so many people. It walk into the store. They’re like, I take collagen. What makes yours different? I’m like, I know this, I know this was a Casey. That was a huge differentiators that are ultimately going to affect how people feel taking their products. I actually had a lady that came in and said, I’m taking this I’m already on college, ’cause she had knee pain really bad and I said, this is different. She goes, well, why? Collagen’s collagen and I explained to her no it was not. So she purchased it and then she came in two days later. I wasn’t here in a brandy said, she actually walked up to me and said, does this stuff really work? And Brandi said, yes, it works. And she goes, my knee pain is totally gone. And I thought it might be in my head and so yeah, you were absolutely wrong. I also believe in her collagen. Yeah, exactly. So today we’re going to discuss a few products that help with eliminating toxins, I guess. And can help with weight loss and the differences between them. Which one do you want to start with? Well, I think first we should kind of paint the picture of what when you mentioned toxic burden and weight loss and potentially thwarting somebody’s efforts to lose weight, what that actually means. A good picture to have in your head is, I mean, we all have a toxic burden. Our environment is very toxic, our body produces toxins that I say that toxins, there’s byproducts of processes in the body that the body needs to get rid of. These things accumulate in the body, specifically they accumulate in fat. So if you take a, let’s just say a 200 pound frame. And you want to shrink that frame down to a 150 pounds. And you start losing weight and you’re feeling great, weight’s coming off. But you don’t do anything to address that toxic burden that you have. You’ve essentially just condensed that burden from a 200 pound frame down into a 150 pound frame. And now the body is kind of like what’s going on here. We need to take some protective measures and the best thing that the body can do for itself in order to deal with the toxic burden is to put additional fat on. Again, because these toxins are harvested in fat. So if you’re losing weight and you’ve plateaued and can’t lose any more, it’s likely because your body’s gone into its protective state to make sure that we’re not overburdening a smaller frame with that preexisting toxic burden. And that’s one of the reasons that your liver enzymes can go sky high because your liver gets clogged up, phase one, phase two. And can’t really dump it. So it should be kind of a slow process. And people say, well, what’s this got today, your chiropractor? What’s this got to do with musculoskeletal? Everything. So we’ll talk a little bit more about metabolic syndrome and diabetes. And insulin resistance. Well, that goes back with Casey what you said, the lady with the knee pain had actually lost a lot of weight. She had been on this diet that we looked at. That’s a role your eyes got. I can’t believe you’re doing this kind of diet. But they’re still, it was working. They’re losing weight, but they’re eating like these candy bar things and they’re like a hundred calories. I think at a time and that’s all they’re giving up with the candy bars like really bad, this ingredient. It’s got bad ingredients. Right. And she had lost a bunch of weight and then her knees started hurting really bad. So you’re right. I mean, it’s toxins that apparently have gathered and can’t escape. Right. They get freed up and they’re another circulating in the body and they’re looking for other tissues to settle in. And the scary part about that is some of the fattier tissues in the body like you think about the brain.
00:05:04 – 00:10:06
These are the areas that these toxins are looking to seek out. So again, the body’s putting back on fat tissue to protect these vital organs. Nobody cares about to Brian. If you say, well, it’s the fad deposits in your breast and that’s going to or more toxins. Then they go, oh my God, my breast. It’s hair and white. The brain’s a little important too. Oh, yeah. Well, maybe you need to remember why. Yeah, some people need to think with it, but just a little research thrown in. Here’s one about zinc and insulin sensitivity or actually lack of zinc. And I’ve said this many, many times, too much sugar equals spear vegetables equals less than K equals four taste equals more sugar so you want to stimulate that by eating more sugar and it’s a vicious cycle that’s from journal of nutrition. It can be so much different things improved insulin response and action by chronic magnesium administration. And this is from diabetes care. So magnesium is really important. And it has a lot to do with digestive enzymes. And magnesium is one of the major missing minerals and Casey can talk more and more about that. Do the technical stuff. But let’s get into it. And I see what we can figure out here. And what are you missing? That’s the key. So y’all pay attention to this. And I want to thank you. I’m off topic already. But I just talked to a guy in Kansas. You have his own show, just by himself without us getting well, yeah, well, conversation with doctor Lewis. Yeah, I just talked to Jeremy up in Kansas. And Jeremy’s up there has been doing this several years and he’s just really incredible. He’s real nice. He’s real suede. And thank you for your trust. The people that get results are the ones that hear something, they’re intuition speaks. They listen to their discerning spirit. And they just go from there. And so be like Jeremy, Jeremy’s just up there getting better and better results and being very quiet. But it’s consistency of action. And that’s why Janet loves me. It’s not because I told her I loved her. It’s not one kiss. It’s not one hug. It’s consistency. So if you want good health, you have to be consistent. Cool. So all right, thank you for that. So now we’re back over Casey. We were discussing how the weight loss thing has to do with the toxins. Okay, so you’ve lost some white. And now these toxins are stuck. What do we do? Nutritionally, there’s a handful of things that you can do first. I mean, detox happens in two primary phases and actually now there’s a third one that’s being talked about more phase one, essentially you have these little liver enzymes called cytochrome P450 enzymes. They seek out the toxins and they essentially flag them. And in doing so, they create something called an intermediary metabolite. And it’s actually these metabolites that are more dangerous than the original toxin. You think about estrogen metabolism. Estrogen itself is a hormone isn’t necessarily dangerous, but it’s the metabolites generated by your body to get rid of these toxins. They can be pushed down the wrong pathway and create a very dangerous metabolites. The second phase of this phase two of detoxification talks about these liver pathways essentially or conjugation pathways that are then identify these flag toxins and can then turn them kind of push these push them through the pathways and kind of turn them into these water soluble compounds that are then ready to be excreted from the body. Now phase three, which is the emphasis of one of the new products that we introduced in viral detox, is actually so what happens is when we get these when we get these toxins, these are called conjugated consider them conjugated, they’re bound up, they’re dumped into the gut lumen. Now what we want to make sure that they are facilitating the elimination of these things via urine and stool primarily. We don’t want them to become unconjugated and pushed back into circulation. So that’s where using some of the binders, some of the zeolite clays, the activated charcoal, Shiljit, which is just these are minerals have a heavy affinity for different things in the digestive tract that we’re trying to make sure of being bound up and eliminated from the body rather than pushed back into circulation. Oh, I can tell you, since we’ve added in that product, that of course I take all this, I have to try it out, right? Right. The combination of enviro detox and dim plus have been great because the dim plus is pulling out the bad estrogens. Right. And then I guess it’s dim is making sure that estrogen estrogens are being pushed down that right pathway. So there’s three primary metabolites that are generated when your body’s trying to detoxify or metabolize estrogen.
00:10:06 – 00:15:04
You have your two hydroxy, which are your good. You’re good metabolites. You have your four, which are, and then you have your 16 alpha, which are the bad ones that you really want to watch out for. Dim is making sure that we’re promoting the healthy estrogen of those metabolites. And estrogen metabolism and creating those two hydroxy metabolites. And that’s why Janet and I talk about liver function and it has a great deal to do with the microbiome of your gut and Janet talks about bowel movements because if it’s sluggish, these conjugated hydroxy estrogens will unconjugated and go back to the bad one and then you reabsorb it in the small intestine. So that’s why bowel motility is very important and having a bound up so that happens to a lesser degree. And bowel motility means having a bowel movement every time you eat a meal 30 minutes to an hour afterward is optimal. And Janet told me many, many times it quit being so technical. I said, well, if you’re eating three times, you need to be pooping two or three times. Elimination is incredibly important. We can help with that. And the dim detox what Casey is talking about in a very scientific manner for women what it means is that you get your shape back. You, because your body starts store that excess fat around the top, where your shirts don’t fit like they used to. You don’t have that extra lump of fat under your arm and towards your back. And we know this detoxification is working and I’ve said this before because Casey is still uncommonly handsome. It’s working. Well, man, seem to get by. Men don’t be afraid of the dim either. Oh, yeah, because they make sure that we’re not converting testosterone to estrogens. And it helps with prostate function when my MD says, doctor leisure, prostate pale is like a 25 year old and he says, what are you doing? I said nutrition, you wouldn’t understand, get out of there. You’re having too much fun. It was the damn helps keep the prostate healthy, which keeps the musculoskeletal. I go back to that. And it gets rid of the men boobs. Which I don’t have. Because if your boobs are bigger than your wives, then you might want to check out dim because you’re not supposed to have that ’cause you’re drinking light beer. She said that to a guy one time. And he looks and I don’t want my 12 year old to think his dad has man boobs, and then we saw the same guy, you know, months later and he looked at Janice and I’ve gone to dark beer because it has less of those estrogens. Right. But so, I know, scientific, sorry. Who’s getting off the rabbit trail? I’m just making this simple. I can’t talk in these high-tech conversations. I get it what happens whenever you take it and women you also get flatter stomachs from it because it quits storing it there too. So those are important things to consider if you’re trying to lose weight as hey, let’s make sure that we’re doing something to optimize my body’s ability to detoxify. Okay, so then in our detox comes in because it’s pulling off all the bad toxins from what dim all the work, all the work your body is doing to detoxify the conjugate toxins and dumping them in the digestive tract. It’s making sure that we’re getting these things out of the body. As well as helping to pull heavy metals and pull organic or pull agricultural byproducts, things like glyphosate out of the body, get rid of mycotoxins and other things you don’t want hanging out. Okay, so that’s detoxing, so to speak. I want to talk a little bit about carnitine also. Because I know carnitine, I don’t know that stuff just makes you feel good. It gives you so much more stamina. So when you are in the middle of trying to lose weight and stuff, you know, you get kind of sluggish because, well, frankly, you’re cutting back on what you’ve been eating. And you’re not getting the endorphins or whatever from the food. So, but carnitine has just, it’s just been a game changer for us for people with energy for stamina. Our daughter takes it when she goes to work. She’s she works in the hospital. And she’s like, oh my gosh, I have all this stamina from carnitine. And even though she’s recently hired, they’ve already offered her to be the manager over the entire program. Because she could move fast from carnitine. And many other things, she’s just smart. And she had to play the other day and just had the headache from, oh my God, and I said here, it’s like carnitine boom or head pain was going in 30 minutes. Steph’s great. So can you tell us what carnitine does because all I know is it makes you feel really good. Yeah, well, carnitine is something that we consume when the diet, the carnitine deficiencies aren’t necessarily where you do see it more in vegetarian and vegan populations. We can make it inside of our bodies from the amino acids lysine and methionine.
00:15:04 – 00:20:03
But carnitine is really unique. It’s found in heavy concentrations and energy dense tissues. So think of muscle tissue. Think of the heart, think of the liver, think of the brain. And what it does in these tissues is it basically plays shuttle to free fatty acids. And it essentially delivers them to your mitochondria. Your mitochondria are your little batteries that run every single cell in the body. So in car terms, for instance, carnitine is kind of your fuel pump that’s helping to pull gas out of the tank and deliver it to the engine where you actually where you actually need it in your car can use it and produce energy. So it’s a really effective natural way to ramp up energy production at a cellular level by essentially delivering or enriching that fuel source that’s being delivered to your mitochondria. I know one thing there’s times when you could drink like a whole pot of coffee. And it would not affect you the way the carnitine does. As y’all are having coffee over here. But I mean, it’s a different energy. I mean, the coffee is like, yeah, it wakes you up. It’s not a stimulating. It’s not in any means stimulants, so you’re not going to get the jitters. You’re not going to get the crashes. It’s just a really clean, sustained improvement in overall energy production. So everything from neurotransmitter production to your body’s capacity for detoxification. Obviously, tissue repair, cardiac function, endothelial function. These are the areas where you’re seeing weight loss. These are the areas, and even fertility specifically male fertility. These are all the areas where you’ve seen good outcomes with carnitine supplementation. How they help with male smart upper. Really? I’ll put a lot of people on carnitine and a good vitamin a, there’s several others that you can take in their sperm count. And that is a huge problem in America today. We’re down to about barely barely enough sperm count on the average to impregnate a woman, people say, well, it just takes one sperm. Now it takes a lot because of the enzyme system. So we can increase the sperm count for those that have really, really low. And we got babies all over the country. People say, well, I couldn’t get pregnant. Now I am. I didn’t know carnitine. Sperm counts. Yes, positively affected by carnitine supplementation. The testes are very, they’re working hard. And they need the energy and as Casey says that with a grin on his face. That’s trouble. I know for you guys, I have to work so hard. Well, you won’t strong swimmers. Sir. Well, put chalk that one out. I like carnitine. You’re a particular carnitine because it’s pretty. And can you tell us why I thought it was in a white powdery form? And y’alls is not a white powdery form. It’s this pretty little jail and it’s clear and it’s got this liquid floating around. And that’s a little nitrogen bubble just to stabilize the raw material. So we don’t have issues with oxidation. It’s not going rancid. Liquid carnitine is always going to be, as far as the supplementing is concerned, is always going to be the most effective way to get the most carnitine as possible. Into the body, are just a 100% pure L carnitine. So it’s bioidentical to what’s produced in the body. There’s other forms out there, whether it’s acetyl carnitine or carnitine tartrate, carnitine fumarate. These different forms of carnitine, while they might be effective as a supplement, they are not pure carnitine. So essentially you have to take more to get an equivalent dose as if you were taking L carnitine as a liquid. And ours as well as not a liquid that you drink because carnitine tastes terrible for those who have tried carnitine liquid, we actually use a rapidly dissolving capsule that basically quickly breaks down. So it’s like taking a liquid. It is a liquid encapsulated liquid. It’s like taking a liquid, you just don’t have to taste it. I love it. That you don’t want to take that after about 3 o’clock in the afternoon though, because it does ramp you up. You have sustained energy. And what it does help with for weight loss, it allows you to have the energy to get outside and take a walk to do something extra than what you only could get to the couch before to do. And internally, she’s helping with fatty acid oxidation. So it’s helping your body utilize fat as an energy source. So you’re breaking down your breaking down more fat. Cool. Okay. So that’s one y’all probably have not heard about. Another one that we want to talk a little couple of things we want to talk about. Selenium, we have what we call active selenium, which on our lab we give people that whenever we’re trying to raise their T four levels on their thyroid, we also have something called thyroid essentials.
00:20:04 – 00:25:06
Sometimes people get confused about what which one they need to take, which one helps with weight loss, which one’s best. Can you tell us the difference in your selenium, what it does? Versus why you would do that versus the thyroid essential. Well, from a manufacturer’s perspective, our selenium is different in the fact that it’s a yeast derived selenium. So there’s selenium naturally occurs as selenium methionine or selenomethionine, which is how you consume it in your diet. A lot of which you buy in your retail supplements is selenium are synthetic forms. Meaning, meaning they don’t absorb well. Right, your body doesn’t. Your body kind of does not know what to do with them. The selenium that we use as a yeast derives selenium, and this fermentation actually it produces selenium as selenomethionine, and it produces at a very high concentration. So again, the actual selenium content of your product might not be what you think it is, because the you take like a selenium citrate, it might only be 35% actual elemental selenium, where our solano methionine derived from yeast. Is of much higher concentration. Can you talk about a derived from yeast and I have people say, but I have too much east in my GI tract. I said, no, no, no, no, no different thing. And a lot of dietary supplement ingredients. A lot of your drugs that you’re taking are a fermentation manufacturing process, whether they’re using bacteria or they’re using yeast like saccharomyces to ferment, it might be, it might be beets, it might be corn. It might be anything. And in doing this, they’re able to use this process to extract whatever molecule or compound that they’re going after. You’re not adding you’re not adding more yeast into your diet by consuming a yeast based or a yeast derived selenium. Yeah, that’s good because some people, they say, well, I’m allergic to sulfur, so now you’re allergic to sulfa drugs, so you’re okay if you can eat an egg or an onion or something that has high content of sulfur. So just don’t be confused and always go to somebody you can trust to ask the question. Sure. But selenium is a relates to thyroid gland function. Well, just overall in the body, there’s 25 different proteins that your body synthesizes that needs selenium. And it’s a really, really important precursor to different glutathione peroxidases, which the thyroid gland is heavily reliant upon to detoxify a byproduct of thyroid hormone production, which is hydrogen peroxide. If you accumulate too much hydrogen peroxide in your thyroid gland, it can cause issues. So you need selenium to produce this antioxidant. That’s able to kind of clean up these byproducts. It’s also there’s another diode that is selenium dependent that is responsible for or needed to convert inactive T four into active T three. So it might your thyroid issues might be as simple as adding a little bit of additional selenium into your daily regimen. And aren’t those the ones that say, well, I have Hashimoto’s, I can’t take I done. Are you saying instead of thyroid essentials do this active selenium for how people that have Hashimoto’s? Is that what you’re saying? Well, you know, here’s the problem. I’ve read dozens literally dozens of books from so called thyroid experts and outside different things. And some people say you can’t take Aden because if you have Hashimoto’s because it’s like throwing gasoline on the fire. Well, if you put it with the right ratio of tyrosine and selenium, these people do not have any problems with the thyroid essentials. Your body, your thyroid gland specifically needs iodine. Absolutely. Iodine hormone, it needs to produce iodine or sorry. Thyroid hormone to produce thyroid hormone in your body needs two critical components that are iodine and tyrosine. And yes, there is some research out there that suggest that if you throw iodine at somebody who has an autoimmune thyroid condition like Hashimoto’s, you can exacerbate their issues. They think they spin out. They lose their hair. They gain a bunch of weight or they lose a bunch of weight. That is true to some extent in the presence of selenium deficiencies. And it takes different babe out of us to make that conversion from T four to T three, and most people are B deficient.
00:25:06 – 00:30:00
So you’re saying there’s complicated missing B vitamins and selenium, the reason why the iodine would bother an autoimmune problem. Is that very, very often, yes. Oh, very interesting, huh? So if thyroid essentials is a great product, it’s a great kind of, I call it kind of like a thyroid focused, multivitamin, and that there’s a lot of different factors that can influence thyroid gland function or your body’s ability to convert TSH into T three or T four or your body’s ability to convert T four into T three. That’s where thyroid essentials is focused and kind of all of these areas. It’s helping your body not only produce or it’s helping your throat going not only produce hormones, but it’s helping your body convert inactive hormone into active hormone. It’s helping to kind of mitigate some of the other factors that are potentially detrimental, not potentially. That are detrimental to the functioning of the thyroid gland. And some of these or maybe all of these nutrients we’re talking about, it also goes into metabolic syndrome and diabetes and insulin resistance, because that’s true. Selenium from journal of molecular cell biochemistry and it talks about magnesium, which I mentioned, and zinc and copper, calcium, magnesium, chromium, vanadium, it’s a complicated thing. And that’s why we suggest you get your lab work, so we can have some kind of clue of what’s going on. And then be consistent. So you’re saying that just taking selenium by itself if you had like an autoimmune problem might not be as well rounded as doing the thyroid essentials that’s kind of dumping maybe all the other things and you might have been missing to start with. To help the thyroid function right. I personally agree with that, but I take straight magnesium. I take straight zinc. I take straight selenium because it is very, very missing and some other disease processes. So I want to make sure that I take essentials and selenium because I think you need both of them. And I feel better doing about them for some reason. And because as Casey talked about the microvilli in the intestines or the lumen, sometimes you need a lot of product there to get enough absorbed to do the body some good and make that transport into the cells. Especially if you’re insulin resistant or have diabetes because it takes more product to get through that. And that’s why we check insulin on people’s labs, which most doctors don’t, because I don’t care. If you’ve got insulin resistance, you’ve got the musculoskeletal problems. You’ve got the Tennessee toward diseases, and you have poor absorption. So we have to deal with that. And what doctor? Smokers, too, especially. If you smoke, you’re likely selenium deficient. If you have chronic GI issues, IBD, Crohn’s ulcerative colitis, you’re likely selenium, among other minerals among the micronutrients deficient, but there are certain people who might be. Better off with taking more selenium. And we’re talking about weight loss and the diabetes, the insulin resistance, the sugar levels, start going low glycemic foods, and even CoQ10 drop sugar levels, 31% in a diabetic. So will you take CoQ10 for your heart? Well, your heart has to process or the responsibility of shunting more blood through the all the way down to the capillaries to deliver the nutrients that you need for better health. When doctor Lewis is talking about insulin resistance for those of you that are not aware of what we do in our lab work, most of the times when you go to the doctor, they run your glucose levels, and that’s just like what you did the day before, basically. Or that minute. Yeah, that minute. And then some people get an A1C, which is a three month blood sugar average. And we have literally had people that are over 200 pounds come in with a perfect A1C, which means their blood sugar levels look great. But insulin, like doctor Lewis is talking about, which is another test we run, tells us if they’re headed toward being a diabetic because while they may be good with their pancreas now, if it’s on the higher end with the insulin that means the pancreas is running, trying to keep up with your body and at some point it’s going to say, hey, I quit. And then you will be a diabetic. And that’s what we see many times with people that are overweight. They have perfect a-one-cs or insulin is way high. So you know you’re not eating correctly. And it’s just a matter of time before it craters. So that’s what we’re trying to help prevent by using some of these supplements. Guys, yes. Okay.
00:30:02 – 00:34:10
One other one I want to talk about very quickly, because we don’t have much time left in our show. Every time Casey comes here, it’s like, oh my gosh, we have so much to say. It’s stress adapt. Why would someone need stress adapt to help with their weight loss? And energy levels, toxic burden. Well, I don’t think you can talk about thyroid gland function without addressing stress. Talking about two systems in the body between the HPA, which is your stress response and the HPT, which is your thyroid functioning. You’ll notice the two common glands that they share are the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland. If you’re lit up over here, if you’re constantly stressed and we’re talking not just mental and emotional stress, I know we’ve talked about this on the past and the show, but glycemic dysregulation, which you just mentioned, inflammation, sleep issues. There’s a lot of different stressors, toxic burden. That will keep you lit up over here on the HPA side. And if you’re kind of allocating all your resources to your stress response, it doesn’t leave much over here for your thyroid gland to operate correctly. So taking something like stress adapt alongside of thyroid essentials, which is going to help kind of buffer the stress response over here, kind of decrease the overall the overall cortisol response that you have in cortisol again, cortisol is being driven by all of these different all of these different factors. If you can kind of quiet down the HPA axis, it just allows for more optimal functioning of freeze up the resources that allow us for the HPT access to do what it needs to do. So you don’t get set off so easy by little things in life that like gas prices and things that way, right? I don’t know if that’s avoidable, but everything is interconnected. If you want to, if you want to truly address your thyroid issues, we have to take a look at over what are these stressors in your life that can potentially be addressed and something with like stress adapt is something that’s just going to, it’s going to help you do that. Obviously there’s lifestyle modifications that are needed. There’s dietary modifications that are needed. But this is just something again that’s just kind of help you better cope. Your body physiologically better cope and better deal with some of these things. A buffer. So with being overweight and being diabetic or insulin resistant, the inability to lose weight has you so tired that you can’t make it to the Oklahoma line. Then you need to call us. And we’re from Texas. So that’s a cyan down here. Well, I’m so poor. I’m so tired. I can’t make it to the Oklahoma line. You should do something good. So that you can live your best lap right now. Casey, thank you for being a guest on our show again today. We always learn so much and for those of you that have no clue where you’re levels are on your lab because you can’t afford it or they don’t run any of the things that we’re talking about today on the show. Guess what? We do. And we do it all across the United States very inexpensively. And tell you exactly what to take for your nutritional supplements, so we take the guesswork out. You can get started by going to www.greenwisdomhealth.com and fill out the health survey. It will lead you to a lab panel and you can start having a life worth living. And we appreciate you listening to our show. We’ll be here next time on the green wisdom health show you guys have a blessed week. Once again, our show has come to an end, but your hope in your health is only beginning. If you or a loved one are in need of a different outcome and are waiting for a brighter future, take the first step and go to our website and fill out the health survey. Please don’t keep us a secret. If you know someone that could benefit from this podcast, please share the show with your friends and family. You are only one step away from a life worth living.
Products Mentioned in Today’s Show
Thyroid Essentials – Thyroid Essentials is a comprehensive formulation that provides a blend of nutrients and botanicals working in synergy to support thyroid health. Thyroid Essentials includes L-tyrosine and iodine, which make up the backbone of the thyroid hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). The addition of zinc, selenium, vitamin A, and the botanical guggulipid activate enzymes that enhance the conversion of T4 into the active thyroid hormone T3.
L-Carnitine – L-carnitine is an amino acid essential for the transport of fatty acids into the cell mitochondria. Research has shown that L-carnitine stimulates the use of fat for fuel and boosts metabolism, which plays a key role in weight management. L-carnitine has also been found to support cardiovascular health and to increase aerobic capacity during exercise. The L-Carnitine formulation provides 500 mg of L-carnitine per capsule, now delivered using quick-release, fast-absorbing Licaps® Technology.
Enviro Detox – Enviro Detox is a broad-spectrum binding formula containing natural ingredients from the purest sources to support enhanced clearance of heavy metals, unwanted organisms and organic compounds from the GI tract.
You can also listen to Is Your Toxic Burden Stopping Weight Loss? on our YouTube channel here.