Janet Lewis: Hello, and welcome to this week’s show. I’m Janet Lewis.
Dr. Lewis: And I’m Dr. Lewis.
Janet Lewis: We are Green Wisdom Health, home of your low-cost lab work and answers to why you may not be feeling good, here with another exciting show about anxiety, because I know anxiety is an exciting subject.
Dr. Lewis: There’s a difference between excitement and enjoyment, however.
Janet Lewis: There are so many people full of anxiety.
Dr. Lewis: Yeah, and full of other things.
Janet Lewis: It’s rampant, and there are people that have no clue what to do about it, how to get rid of it. “Why does it keep hanging around? Where does it come from?” It’s making me anxious thinking about it. So Dr. Lewis-
Dr. Lewis: Sometimes you have to blow the whistle and call the play dead, and start something different, which I just did recently.
Janet Lewis: And he’s here to tell you all about it, and why we are so full of anxiety, and what can we do about it? Because it does seem to be all over the place now.
Dr. Lewis: The reason we did this, I had another subject to do a podcast on, but we’ve had a lot of anxiety recently that was brought into the office, and I blew the whistle, called the play dead, and it’s like you don’t tolerate it. I call people like, they’re crazy-makers. No matter what you say, they go to the negative, and I tell them, “Read the book Negaholics. You’re negative. You never won’t read it,” but just quit it, and we’re gonna talk about it. It may be because of thyroid. It may be because of adrenals. It may be because of PMS. It may be because, “Oh, you’re just missing neurotransmitters.” Maybe because you’re toxic in your bowel. That could be a lot of different things, but one of the things I’ve seen is it’s how you choose, folks.
Dr. Lewis: It’s a choice. How you choose to think about things. If you think about what the worst case scenario is, it just gets worse and worse. If you think about what’s good, great, grand, and glorious, and can be healthy, happy, bright, lively, and prosperous, then anxiety goes away. To a large degree, it’s a choice. You just have to overcome all this other stuff.
Janet Lewis: I think a great book to read also is Joyce Meyer’s Battlefield of the Mind, because that really does help a lot with explaining where all of this comes from, and ways that you can get around, or thinking differently, learning to think differently, and speak differently, because that has a lot to do with it, too, right?
Dr. Lewis: Absolutely. I think that’s the most of it. I think it’s a choice. Maybe you say, “Well, everybody in my family’s that way.” Well, just because they did it doesn’t mean you have to do it. You can step outside the circle, and I live outside the circle, but you don’t have to think that. I’ve seen people that all the family was negative, negative, negative, and I’ve seen some people say, “I’m not gonna live this way.” They choose, again, a choice, to do something different. But we’re gonna tell you in our opinion, at least, how it’s kind of easier to break the cycle if you deal with the lack of neurotransmitters or lack of nutritious things that can calm the nerves and ease the bowels’ irritation.
Janet Lewis: I have found that it seems that people that have more anxiety disorder, it’s got a lot to do with what they eat, correct?
Dr. Lewis: That’s a big part of it.
Janet Lewis: Yeah. The food additives, food dyes.
Dr. Lewis: All that’s been proven in ADD, ADHD, so they’re agitated and anxious, even though it may not come out as anxiety. Yes, absolutely. Why do they put it in some of these stupid cheap vitamins? Why do they put it in your drugs? Do you care if it’s got a cancer-causing red lake dye? That’s crazy. Why are they doing that to you? You should ask your congressman that.
Janet Lewis: Well, that is the problem we run into here a lot with especially children’s multivitamins, and the chewable forms of the pills. People are used to going to a big box store and buying the gummy vitamins for their kids, because they taste good, and that’s a way that their kid will get them down, but if you read on the back of those labels, many of them have the dyes in it, like Dr. Lewis is talking about. They look great, they taste great, but there’s a reason why they do, and it’s because of those chemicals, and it’s very hard naturally to make something that tastes great without all the synthetic chemicals that go in it. I get you guys, coming from not having a kid that will swallow anything. We try to mix our stuff up in applesauce, or something like that that makes it sweeter. We have a children’s multi that tastes pretty good now. People are going, “Pretty good.” Well, again, it’s not got any kind of synthetic dyes or sweeteners or colorings to it, and I always tell people, “It tastes great at first, and then just chase it with something, and it’s fine.” But it’s called SuperNutes, and-
Dr. Lewis: Yeah. It’s been pretty popular, too.
Janet Lewis: Yeah.
Dr. Lewis: It is what you eat because I just now thought of this. I had ice cream for supper last night, and I’m pretty agitated today, and I dealt with the anxiety, and I eat ice cream out of stress, and I won’t get into that, but I’d rather have ice cream than alcohol. It is what you eat, and it’s what you put in your body. Again, it’s a choice, and you’ve got to make a good choice. I won’t do it tonight, I promise.
Dr. Lewis: Some of the things that are missing, I’m gonna get into the different neurotransmitters. Usually, it’s calcium and magnesium. Now, you know I’m not a huge fan of just calcium by itself, but calcium, if it’s in a form that you can tolerate, is a natural tranquilizer. People say, “Well, I want this coral calcium.” Well, that’s calcium carbonate, and it’s not water soluble, or else the moisture shells would dissolve in the water. That is not a good form. It’s one of the most expensive farces they’ve ever put on you, and there are other better forms of calcium.
Dr. Lewis: Then you’ve got magnesium. Well, depends on what you need versus how many bowel movements per day you have. Sometimes you need iron. Some people have too much or too little. Most people do not have enough B12, even if they’ve got good digestion because it’s over-utilized trying to detoxify your body. If you’re taking any kind of drugs, over the counter or prescribed, you’re already nutrient deficient, or you wouldn’t have the problem most likely, and then you’re putting in drugs that are depleting the nutrients even more, so you really have to go way beyond the RDA. And B1. B1. Brain fog. It’s the candida in your gut that’s using that thiamine, and, oh, I get some incredible results with this lipid soluble B1. You can use SAMe. Janet loves it when I take it. She says that I’m a better person when I take it. She’s given it-
Janet Lewis: I don’t know what he’s talking about. He’s great all the time.
Dr. Lewis: Yeah, well. It’ll be set out tonight, I’m sure. B complex, B6, I prefer the activated form, P5P. Vitamin C, and vitamin C doesn’t get a lot of press anymore, because it’s an old vitamin. We knew about it 30, 40, 50 years ago. We like the liposomal, because I think it’s 92% to 94% absorbable, versus the 12% to 13% of the other vitamin Cs. Believe it or not, vitamin E can do it, although it helps oxygen utilization to the brain. And zinc, everybody’s zinc deficient. Man, I give a lot of zinc to people, but I think it’s best if you kind of buffer it with our Reacted MultiMin minerals. You don’t want to just do one unless it’s very super obvious.
Dr. Lewis: If you want, I’ll talk a little bit about panic attacks, anxiety disorders, and stress, and some of that’s how you choose to react to stress.
Janet Lewis: Yeah. Are panic attacks and anxiety issues the same thing, or are they different?
Dr. Lewis: I think they’re pretty close. It’s hard to differentiate between the two. Some people might argue that point a little bit. Everybody’s got an opinion, and sometimes they vary quite a bit. Many times it’s the neurotransmitters, and one thing you don’t hear a lot of is norepinephrine. That’s actually secreted by the brain itself, and it increases the level of wakefulness, and most people that are obese have very, very low norepinephrine. People say, “But I eat nuts, and then I still gain weight.” Well, you could have a neurotransmitter problem, and you kind of have to let us work on it and be patient, because we’re finding more people when we do their labs, cheap labs, you need to get it here, and we’re finding things, “Well, this and this and this probably relate to the inability of your hypothalamus and-or pituitary putting out the right signals.” I see more of the evidence of that every day, and the people that stick with it, of course, they get more and better results.
Dr. Lewis: You got dopamine. Well, let me be more specific, I guess. Norepinephrine deficiency. Usually, those are the people that feel hungry through the day. They have an insatiable appetite, they eat large meals, don’t know when to stop eating, never feel full or satisfied, can eat almost anything in sight, feel out of control, especially with their appetite, think about food all the time, and I have people says, “But I just dream about food.” If you’re craving the bread and pastas, the starches, rather than sweets, I’m more of the sweet craver, ADD, ADHD, hungry in the late afternoon, and it just goes on and on and on and on, so that’s norepinephrine.
Dr. Lewis: If it’s a serotonin deficiency, and that’s the one I think is most common, even though other sources say it’s the second most common, those are the people that crave sweets or starches in the afternoon and evening. That’s the people that go home under stress and eat Bluebell. Crave chocolate. Janet always teases that I’m the female in the relationship because I’m the one that’ll eat the chocolate. She will not, and I love it. “Is it irresistible?” Yeah. I don’t know. I’ve never tried to resist it. “Do you eat when you’re stressed, anxious, lonely, or depressed? Anger, because you’ve experienced something that’s distressing? That can be surgery, some kind of long-term trauma, the death of a loved one?” And the answer to that’s “yeah,” you probably have a serotonin deficiency.
Dr. Lewis: “Do you eat when you’re not hungry?” Maybe not so much, but, “When you binge on foods or eat massive quantities …” Yep, that’s true of ice cream. “Do you wake up in the middle of the night to eat?” No. That’s not what I’m doing in the middle of the night, but okay. “Are you depressed, irritable, frustrated, or moody?” Sometimes I get irritated. Men get what we could call PMS. Janet’s got a really funny look, like, “Yup, he’s really telling the truth.” It’s like, I’m very polite when everybody around me has this also. It’s not just me. “Do you have trouble falling asleep once you’re awake?” I hear that from so many people. We do have a time-released serotonin, or time-released 5-Htp to create serotonin.
Dr. Lewis: Dopamine. These people that have a low dopamine are really interesting. I love them. They’re usually the addicts. Sex addicts, gambling addicts, alcoholics, drug addicts. They usually crave the salty foods or fatty foods. They’d rather eat steak, and bologna, and bacon, or meat lover’s pizza, so to speak. If you feel depressed, then do you lack an interest in life? I hear that. They say, “Well, I just don’t care.” The opposite of love is not to hate. The opposite of love is, “I don’t care.” When people say they have no interest in life and they don’t care, you need to worry about them and see if you can help them. Difficult getting motivated. Well, I’m gonna skip talking about millennials that don’t want to drive for some strange reason. These are the ones that, as I said before, they’re addicted to alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, sex, gambling, or sometimes food. That kind of runs in families, too. Decreased sex drive, tired. Well, that could be any of them.
Dr. Lewis: The best thing to do is find somebody that you trust and follow their advice, and one of the biggest problems I’ve ever seen is people think they have to understand, and that gets you in trouble, and it’s like, I said this to Janet yesterday. “Well, jeez. I don’t understand how the transmission on my truck works. I don’t understand how the engine works, but I know when to push a button, it goes and put it in gear.” We don’t need to understand. We have to have a little faith, have a little trust. That’s why I tell you, find somebody you really trust, follow their directions. Use your discerning spirit. Your spirit will tell you if it’s good or bad, even if you’re in the middle of anxiety. That’s kind of the short course on that.
Janet Lewis: Well, I think we already talked about a few products that might help people if they have those things because I heard you mention a few things that could have related to me.
Dr. Lewis: Yeah, because she’s married to it today. I’ll be better … I’m already better. Never mind.
Janet Lewis: But there are actually products that we have that’ll help you through anxiety type issues. A couple of girls that are close to us have anxiety pretty bad, and one of them actually says now that her anxiety is almost completely gone, and it’s just been from taking some of the supplements, some of the right supplements, because she did the lab work, and she didn’t guess at what was wrong. Having a bad thyroid can create anxiety. We always tell people, “Do our comprehensive panel. It’s 12 different panels, the lab.” Having cortisol that’s too high can create anxiety. You just really don’t know where it’s coming from unless you run the lab. It could be from a toxic liver. It can be from a lack of iron, actually. You can actually be anemic and have anxious thoughts and think you have anxiety, which you do, but you may just need iron, but don’t guess.
Janet Lewis: We’re able to run lab all across the United States. It isn’t like you need to live here locally. Basically, you would fill out a health survey on GreenWisdomHealth.com, and from there, Dr. Lewis calls you and helps you figure out which lab panel is the right lab panel for you, and like I said, we have you draw it close to your home. All the results come back to us. We do everything via email and over the phone, and people that want to see what he looks like, we use Zoom video, so he can actually talk to you. There’s no need to feel that way because when you have anxiety, you don’t really know where to go, what to do. I know a young girl that just lost it in the middle of Target, and just sat her stuff all down, all of her [inaudible 00:16:03], and just started bawling, because she was so filled with anxiety. There’s no need to live like that. There’s actually answers for it. If you could get on some products, and get the right lab, and know what’s wrong with you, you can start feeling better.
Janet Lewis: Some of the basic products that you can use that you don’t even need a lab for, which we’re pretty excited about now, we have a Hemp Oil Plus, is what it’s called. You’re going, “Oh my god. Y’all are selling illegal drugs down there.” Well, no. This one’s actually not. This one’s from the stalk of … It’s from the purest hemp stock oil possible. It’s certified organic, and it’s legal in all 50 states.
Dr. Lewis: It being organic means you’re not getting the pesticides that can cause a lot of the problems in the first place.
Janet Lewis: Literally, we’ve been waiting for a company that would bring us something that we knew we could trust to sell. There have been so many people that have said, “Hey, why don’t you carry hemp oil in your clinic or CBD oil.” I’m like, “No. Not until I get it from the source that I know-”
Dr. Lewis: I’ve tried five different companies, and this is … I’ve only seen two that work.
Janet Lewis: Right.
Dr. Lewis: There’s a lot of fake companies.
Janet Lewis: We’ve waited, and it was literally on back order for like six months, and it just came back in again, and it’s from a reputable company that we trust called Thorne. You guys that have shopped with us now know some of the products from Thorne that we carry, like their Pepti-Guard and Choleast and things like that. Their new one now is called Hemp Oil Plus, and as I said, it is all organic, and it’s coming from the stalk, which is not common for them to make it from. The thing with that is, if you’re going, “Well, is it gonna cause me to fail a drug test?” Well, because of where it’s coming from, the answer to that is a very low, “No, it should not do that.” Because you’re getting minimal-
Dr. Lewis: You’re not getting any THC.
Janet Lewis: Correct. There’s nothing that should show up on a drug test, but what it does do is it helps a whole lot with regulating the body’s response to stress and fear. It actually helps with GI distress, which is a lot of where anxiety comes from, and physical discomfort. People that are in pain, and have a hard time moving around, it really does help with that as well. Then they have also put some other ingredients in it as well to help the hemp work better, like clove extract is in it, black pepper, hops, and rosemary. That’s the “plus” side of it. It’s called Hemp Oil Plus. As I said, we’re really excited to finally have a product that we can back and sell to people, knowing we feel good about that.
Janet Lewis: Other things that are great for anxiety. GABA, which you’ve probably heard of. We have one here that is great for kids, and it tastes great.
Dr. Lewis: Yeah. It actually does.
Janet Lewis: It’s called Pharma GABA, and it’s P-H-A-R-M-A, and they can suck on it, and it actually helps with ADD, ADHD, anxiety type things.
Dr. Lewis: We have a lot of kids on it with good reports coming back from their parents and teachers.
Janet Lewis: Or people that can’t swallow well, they like the ones they can suck on. For adults, we kind of tell them, “Just go with the straight GABA,” because it’s-
Dr. Lewis: It’s stronger.
Janet Lewis: Yeah. It’s stronger. Then Dr. Lewis’ personal favorite that he puts all kind of people on is something that’s called Neurolink. Why do you like that one?
Dr. Lewis: Well, because it has that activated B6 that I talked about, the P5P, and it has tyrosine, which is really, really good for helping your body, your brain make neurotransmitters, but it also helps with the thyroid, because sometimes if your thyroid is not functioning correctly, it can cause anxiety and panic attacks. Then it has the GABA, which is a pretty big amount, then glutamine, which your brain actually puts out glutamate. That’s one of the things the body uses and uses a lot of glycines too, amino acids. It has inositol, taurine. Taurine’s really good for the brain, but it also helps your body detox fine. It’s really good for brain fog, too. Then it has 5-HTP. It’s really good. It says six capsules a day, and I only know two people that have to take six. Most people take three with really, really good results. It’s a bottle full of … It’s got 180 in it, so it could last a long time.
Dr. Lewis: I’ve never taken it, but Janet will give me the 5-HTP. Once in a while, I’ll take GABA, and the hemp oil does work really well, and I take it because of my irritated, agitated GI tract, because I have some diverticulitis, and it does help calm down the GI tract. The reason why that’s important is that 95% of your serotonin is in your GI tract. It’s not really in your brain. You have to have good gut health, and stop all that dysfunction. That’s what the P5P activated B6 is for, so it’ll cross the blood-brain barrier. We’re careful to give you the nutrients that really will work and help your body work without having to expend more energy to change the forms.
Janet Lewis: Right. Your job is just to take it and let everybody else tell you how much more wonderful you are when you’re on it.
Dr. Lewis: And smile.
Janet Lewis: Because we hear that a whole lot. Other things that have got to do with anxiety, or having bad anxiety is a lack of magnesium, believe it or not. I always tell people, because they always go, “Well, your stuff’s so expensive.” Well, it’s not expensive. It’s different than what they’ve experienced in a store because our stuff is stronger.
Dr. Lewis: We’ve been to places that people think are the bastions of organic, and they’re not, and we see their vitamins, and it’s like, our stuff usually is actually less expensive, but if you compare milligrams to milligrams, ours is way less expensive. It’s just high-quality, so don’t let your perception be fooled.
Janet Lewis: Exactly. Magnesium is one of the least expensive things you can do. I think a bottle of it here is like $17 or something.
Dr. Lewis: And that’s the good, absorbable type. It’s not magnesium oxide, which most people try to sell you.
Janet Lewis: It is not the stuff that gives you diarrhea. It’s reacted magnesium. It has different forms of it, so you can take as much as you need. Magnesium actually does over 300 functions in the body, so if you’re gonna just get one thing, you really need to add in magnesium. Vitamin D being low actually creates anxiety. Did you know that? Dr. Lewis knows everything, so I’m sure you do.
Dr. Lewis: Yeah. Well, I did a couple of podcasts yesterday as a guest, and one of them says, “Well, I’m taking 1,000 IUs of Vitamin D a day.” I said, “Well, that’s a really good thing, but it takes 8,000 for the average person to get it up where it should be.” Then I said on a previous podcast that 1,000 units a day will normally lower your chance of flu 70%. 2,000 units a day will normally lower your chances of flu close to 100%. That’s just 2,000 IUs. Then we’ve got a question we’ll get to in a minute. I was on another podcast about Lyme’s disease, so we’ll get to that.
Janet Lewis: But low vitamin D levels also can trigger the seasonal affective disorder.
Dr. Lewis: Yeah. One of those guys says, “Well, isn’t it just natural? Your natural depression?” I said, “I don’t think depression is natural, but you can accept that.” Again, he’s speaking it into existence, so it’s true for him, but no, depression and-or anxiety, they’re not natural.
Janet Lewis: That’s linked to the sunshine deficiency, which does depress you, so take more vitamin D. Also, omega-3 fats, like the fish oils, which we always use Orthomega because of the high EPA and DHA in it, which is what you need to improve your emotional health.
Dr. Lewis: And the high absorbability.
Janet Lewis: A study proved that medical students who took omega-3s lowered their anxiety by 20%, so see there, it’s not all in your head. There are things you can do to help the gut. Yes, Dr. Lewis wants to make sure that we answer this question because we have people on our Shooting Straight With Dr. Lewis. If you’re not familiar with that group, it’s on Facebook.
Dr. Lewis: Sign up with Shoot Straight.
Janet Lewis: It is a closed group, but you can ask to be a member, and you can learn all kind of information here. Today’s question comes from Kay, and she wants to know about migratory pain and inflammation from Lyme.
Dr. Lewis: Again, I was a guest on a podcast about Lyme’s disease. He said it’s gonna air somewhere around Thanksgiving. I’m a guest on a lot of podcasts. I don’t really know why, but I think we’re doing three or four this week as a guest. I guess there’s a reason for that. Lyme’s disease, you have to go on a low-allergen diet, and there’s a lot of different things you can be allergic to. We do have some weird tests that will determine that. We have weird tests that will determine your neurotransmitter deficiencies, too.
Dr. Lewis: You can go on a stealth pathogen protocol, so we can make them little things come out and hit them hard, and then quit doing it, and then they’ll come back out. You can do a purification program. You have to do a leaky gut protocol so that your body will stop absorbing some of the toxins associated with Lyme’s disease and all the weird little [inaudible 00:26:05] that cause that. You kind of have to add joint and cognitive nutrients also, and you pretty much have to go on a lifetime of immune system support for maintenance. We can do that. It’s just absolutely imperative, or it’s quicker, easier, less expensive just to do the lab rather than guess.
Janet Lewis: The big one for Lyme that we have really had a lot of success with is Lauricidin.
Dr. Lewis: Yeah. That guy knew about Lauricidin, and I told him we can do colloidal silver, and he thought I was crazy because I don’t like using colloidal silver unless there’s a last resort. We use a lot of olive leaf, and berberine, and Pau D’Arco , and artemisia, black walnut, and on and on and on, but there are some things that will definitely help.
Dr. Lewis: As far as the migratory pain syndrome, it may be from the toxins from the Lyme disease. It very well could be, but as a chiropractor, when people come in, they say, “Well, I have this parasthesia here and here and here,” and it’s like, “Okay, well that does not correlate with the structure-function aspect of chiropractic.” That’s when I would hit them with the right amount, hopefully, in most cases the right amount of the right supplements.
Dr. Lewis: One of the things and this is just, you can look this research up, there are so many toxins that you have to deal with, and dealing with it means you have to take the supplemental things that will help your body. For example, just benzene. Now, benzene is known to cause leukemia, and our exposure to it is not just the carpets, and it gases out of the carpets like crazy, but you get a big dose of benzene every time you fuel your car up, and then you got styrene that comes out of the carpet, but how many of you are drinking out of styrofoam cups? And how many of you microwave something in a styrofoam food tray? You’re asking for cancer, but it’s been proven over and over and over again it’ll cause neurotoxic symptoms, and that goes into the migratory pain that you’re asking about, which is numbness and tingling, loss of sensation. Very bizarre pain syndromes. Brain fog, encephalopathy, mood swings, and memory loss.
Dr. Lewis: That’s why it takes time for us to do our job because it takes your body time to detoxify this stuff, and it can be paralysis, convulsions, tremors, blurred visions. I’ve seen people that had Parkinson’s symptoms. Their tremors would get better and better and better, especially the guys that went through Vietnam and were exposed to Agent Orange. You want to consider that it may be the toxins from the Lyme’s disease, or it can be toxins that were already there, and now you’re overly burdened. Just to prove the point, carpet workers, for example, have increased rates of cancers, and especially leukemias. That research is by Anderson, so you can Google that and look it up.
Janet Lewis: So do those people that spray for pests. You know, when they come around and do-
Dr. Lewis: Yeah.
Janet Lewis: Those people are always sick, and they have some sort of leukemia or cancers also.
Dr. Lewis: Or early-onset dementia. We see that a lot.
Janet Lewis: Oh, yeah. Yeah, because of all the chemicals that are in them.
Dr. Lewis: It’s not like everybody doesn’t get exposed to those things, but people that are more exposed to it, for example, welders, they get a lot of manganese, and in the wrong form. Nail techs and hairdressers are people that are exposed to chemicals more than the average person, and you know, just hair dye is known to cause bladder cancer.
Janet Lewis: None of us women use hair dye, so I don’t think that’s an issue for any of us.
Dr. Lewis: No, Janet never has.
Janet Lewis: No.
Dr. Lewis: God’s gonna get me for lying.
Janet Lewis: Looks like we’ve come to the end of our show. He’s getting personal now, so hopefully, we have helped your anxiety lessen a little bit with this show, and given you hope to have a healthy, happy, prosperous life since that’s what we’re all here for. We appreciate you joining us, and we’ll be back next week with another fascinating show. Have a blessed week.