Candida overgrowth is a hot topic and we often get questions from our patients about whether it could be the cause of their symptoms. While it could be the cause, it is often blamed for many different health issues that it is not always responsible for. There are many potential causes and symptoms, and it shares some of these with other conditions. So, it can be difficult to know if it really is a candida problem. Let’s go over some possible causes, symptoms, and lifestyle changes and help you learn what you need to know about candida.
Possible Causes
Candida overgrowth has many potential causes, and it is not always clear what the cause is. While candida is present in nearly everyone’s gut microbiome, it can become a problem if it multiplies too much, leading to an overgrowth. It is believed that frequent consumption of alcohol, sugar, grains and processed foods may contribute to candida overgrowth. Overuse of antiobiotics is another potential factor, as antibiotics can reduce the “good” bacteria that typically help keep candida under control. Chronic stress and certain medications may also contribute to candida overgrowth.
Possible Symptoms
Candida has been said to cause certain autoimmune diseases, sinus infections, urinary tract infections, chronic fatigue, and many other health conditions. However, candida overgrowth is not always responsible for all of these, and it is often not the sole cause. A candida overgrowth can manifest in many different ways, and symptoms may vary from person to person. Symptoms can include brain fog, fatigue, joint pain, bloating, bad breath, food cravings (especially for breads and sweets), UTI’s, sinus infections, and many others. However, as mentioned above, many health conditions have similar symptoms, so having these symptoms does not necessarily mean you have an overgrowth of candida. If you are having any serious symptoms, see a doctor right away.
What You Can Do
If an overgrowth of candida is suspected, dietary and lifestyle changes may be necessary to help heal it and prevent it from recurring. Greatly reducing or eliminating consumption of processed foods and high-carb, sugary foods is one of the best things to help “starve out” candida. Candida is often said to feed on sugar, so reducing its food supply may help reduce the problem. Having regular bowel movements may also help.
So, eat plenty of organic fruits and vegetables to get the fiber you need to stay regular, and drink plenty of water to flush that fiber out. Taking a supplement like Candida Support may also be beneficial. It contains ingredients like Pau D’arco extract, berberine sulfate and others that work to help restore balance to the intestinal bacteria. Candida overgrowth is believed to be a common condition, and eating a balanced diet low in processed foods and sugar is a great option for overall health. So, if you are not sure if you have it or not, just work on eliminating sugary foods and replacing them with whole foods like organic fruits and vegetables and good-quality meats.
You can listen to our podcast episode Candida – Getting to the Gut of the Matter here. You can also listen on our YouTube channel here.