Janet Lewis: Hello and welcome to this week’s edition of our show. I am Janet Lewis.
Doctor Lewis: And I’m Doctor Lewis.
Janet Lewis: We are Green Wisdom Health, home of your low-cost lab work, available across the United States. We are here to educate you a little bit today about a adrenal fatigue and immune compromise. We decided to pick this subject because we just came back from vacation where we decided to buy, well, I decided to buy ourselves a motorhome. A midsize motorhome. Doctor Lewis drove it. We got a little adrenal fatigued over it.
Doctor Lewis: Against my will, I drove it.
Janet Lewis: We drove it through west Texas where it’s just wind. It was … we love the RV. It was a little bit stressful trying to get used to everything and learned so many new things. We took it Colorado and there were a lot of fires going on out there. With came home and have a little bit of adrenal fatigue and I thought, well, you know, there’s probably a lot of people out there that are suffering from the same things that don’t really know what to do about it. Thank you for Doctor Lewis’s knowledge. He does know what to do about it.
Doctor Lewis: Yeah, teach Janet how to drive it.
Janet Lewis: Yeah, not yet. But, unfortunately, when you don’t know what to do about it, your immune system also craters with it. Today, we’re going to teach you a little bit about how to get your adrenals back up, normalized to keep your immune system from not being compromised. With that, Doctor Lewis, would you like to enlighten us?
Doctor Lewis: Yeah. Hopefully, I won’t go down too many rabbit trails. Yeah, okay. You know that’s a lie. Adrenal stress, I think most of us create our own storms and we whine about it when it rains. We create a lot of it by our consumerism, by wanting too much, and I’m guilty of that too. By being in a hurry, you know, as I get older, I realize it’s not slowing down, it’s speeding up and you have more things that you want to get done.
Doctor Lewis: A lot of adrenal stress is just how you think about things. I always tell my kids, “Show up and smile. It’ll all be fine.” This is actually my fourth podcast this week. I was a guest on three other podcasts. One of which was two hours long, which was enough adrenal stress on its own. I was kind of off the cuff and I was not prepared for it.
Janet Lewis: So, we’re really lucky to have a show this week, is that what I’m hearing because I know you’re adrenal’s got a little taxed and plus we’re running a busy practice.
Doctor Lewis: Yeah.
Janet Lewis: But, we keep having so many go, “You all need to put out more shows.”
Doctor Lewis: Yeah, you know, the old advertisement of this bud’s for you? Well, Tara, in Jacksonville, Florida, this podcast is for you because Tara has followed my instructions real well and she got some absolutely incredible results on her lab worth. Although, to be honest, didn’t look like she was unhealthy at all when she started. It’s funny, the people that follow instructions get a better quality of life, if not a longer life. It’s by putting nutrients in the body and many of these we’ll talk about how it can boost your immune system and boost your adrenal gland function to normal.
Doctor Lewis: Unfortunately, in the last few months, I’ve seen more and more and more people die that are, you know, a year or two older than me, or a year or two younger than me. It’s like, they’re always the ones that have the time and money for beer and cigarettes, and you know, no time or money to put good nutrients into the temple of the Holy Spirit. I hate that. We’re going to have a question later on that comes up that one of my sweet long-term patients ask about that.
Doctor Lewis: Yeah, we create a lot of our own adrenal stress. The compromise in the immune system, this off the cuff two-hour podcast a couple of nights ago, she says, “Well, don’t you see immune systems going downhill fast?” And she was a very popular practitioner from up in the northwest part of America. I said, “Yeah, it is getting worse.” And she says, “What is that?” I said, “It’s not just one thing, it’s you know, the toxins I always talk about. They’re real, whether you can see them, or sell them, or taste them, or not, they’re real.” Read the research.
Doctor Lewis: The other thing is our mental attitude. Janet and I are much happier and less stressed if we quit watching the news that kind of skewed the truth into something that’s not necessarily true anymore. Many of it, I think it’s the food that we eat. We don’t really have a choice here in America, but to eat genetically modified foods. I know there’s people that say, they don’t make any difference at all. It’s like, I’ve read book after book after book, and hundreds of research articles, real research, not opinions. I’ve read that genetically modified organisms and how it alters our expression of our genes. How it alters the probiotics in our GI tract. That is incredibly important to get that as balanced as possible so you can have a proper immune system response.
Doctor Lewis: I have seen people sit in here and cry. They couldn’t talk to me without crying and they think they’re crazy in the head. I’ll say, “Well, the thoughts are in your head, but it originates in your GI tract.” I could go on and on about that. The ones that follow instructions get really really good results because your body has more to work with. You know, the FDA says the only thing that cure is a drug, or radiation, or chemotherapy, you know, that kind of stuff. When did we lose the thought that our body’s smart enough to heal itself? It just needs fewer toxins and more nutrients to do that.
Doctor Lewis: Your body really is a smart organism, but it needs something to work with. I said in our last podcast, if your doctor says you can get all the nutrients you need out of your food, you need to run like crazy because he’s full of it, or he didn’t read his own research. Here’s a good example, there’s this young lady that I grew up with and I told her, I said, “I’m so sorry that I couldn’t’ get your sister to stick with it long enough.” And her sister’s just a sweet sweet lady and she had a lot of depression and anxiety. It was pretty severe.
Doctor Lewis: And the sister came to me and says, “Well, I trust you. I grew up with you so, therefore, I’m going to stick it out.” Well, then she went back to her doctor and the doctor says, “Well, you can either do it naturally or you can do it through me. If you’re going to do the natural stuff, I’m withdrawing my care from you.” Well, she chose to go with that doctor and so I asked her sister, I said, “Okay, that’s just a handful years ago, did the extra drugs make her healthier?” And she said, “No. She’s going downhill rapidly.”
Doctor Lewis: I’m not against drugs. Anytime you feel so stressed that you want to harm someone or harm yourself, go to the emergency room, go to MD, go to your psychiatrist. It’s not a bad thing. But, let’s try to work on the underlying issues that cause your immune system to aray, that can alter the way you feel mentally, and put chronic stress on your adrenal glands, and get into adrenal fatigue, which in and of itself can cause depression and anxiety.
Janet Lewis: I think it’s kind of interesting the list of … maybe because I have a lot of these. The list of adrenal issues that are associated with adrenal fatigue. You know, when people always tell you they’re extremely tired. It can be your adrenals and people say, “Well, I take something for my adrenals.” Our question is to you, well how do you know which way the adrenals are going? Are they too high? Are they too low? Well, you don’t know that without lab word.
Doctor Lewis: Kind of sounds like the three bears and the porridge.
Janet Lewis: Exactly.
Doctor Lewis: Just right.
Janet Lewis: It’s exactly right. We check cortisol in the lab to see are your adrenals in the process of cratering or are they so cratered they need to be built up because there’s actually two different products for those and you don’t want to take the wrong one. Don’t take what Aunt Mary tells you what worked for her because it probably won’t work for you.
Janet Lewis: Some of the signs that go with adrenal fatigue are fatigue, and weakness, that you’re really tired. Depression, fearfulness, or anxiety, and hormonal imbalance can be a sign of adrenal fatigue.
Doctor Lewis: Men out there, if you think your wife has a hormonal imbalance, be quiet. It’s not worth saying anything.
Janet Lewis: Interesting. The suppressed immune function actually goes with adrenal fatigue.
Doctor Lewis: Yes.
Janet Lewis: You know, we wanted to talk a little bit about, you know, you’re going to say, “Well, what do we take for this because we have this stuff and what are we supposed to be taking for that?” The big one, I guess, that we’ve been using now, that we’ve just been absolutely thrilled with is the SBI Protect because it is for immune gut function because all of these things that we’re telling you are out of the gut, believe it or not. It’s not in your head. It is something that is in your gut.
Doctor Lewis: We sell so much of it, the company that produces is called us and asked us how do you sell that much? That’s incredible because we’re growing that fast.
Janet Lewis: Well, and it’s not we’re selling it, this stuff works.
Doctor Lewis: Yep.
Janet Lewis: People keep coming back.
Doctor Lewis: People keep coming back, yeah.
Janet Lewis: It used to be a prescription. It was $400.00 a month and now it’s …
Doctor Lewis: Up to $1,200.00, yeah. But, $400.00.
Janet Lewis: Yeah. And now it’s $70.00 something a month.
Doctor Lewis: Yeah. $70.00 to $77.00 depending on what form you get it. It’s the exact same stuff.
Janet Lewis: It actually goes and repairs the gut leakiness, and helps with autoimmune, and all of these adrenal things.
Doctor Lewis: I may get into the immunoglobulins later because Jonathan in Gallup, New Mexico thinks I’m smarter than I really am.
Janet Lewis: Well, this is actually an immunoglobulin, so.
Doctor Lewis: Yeah, I may try to impress you Jonathan, but I’m glad you’re doing good, but.
Janet Lewis: He can only take so much of your knowledge at one time because there’s so much rattling out of there, he said.
Doctor Lewis: Yeah, I’m not that smart Jonathan, you’re just really smart for following instruction. You’re the man.
Janet Lewis: Well, you talked about people craving bad things to eat. Actually, cravings for foods high in salt, sugar, or fat, are an adrenal fatigue problem.
Doctor Lewis: Yeah.
Janet Lewis: Isn’t that amazing? So, it’s like well, you’re feeding your body some more things that there’s going to have a hard time with and your adrenals are already stressed.
Doctor Lewis: Yeah and when you’re craving chocolate, it’s usually you want serotonin or magnesium. Janet always says I’m the female because I’m the chocolate person. I buy her wonderful chocolates for all of her birthday, and Christmas, and anniversary because I get to eat them all.
Janet Lewis: Increased allergies are a sign of adrenal fatigue. Skin problems. Lightheadedness when getting up from sitting or lying down.
Doctor Lewis: That’s an adrenal fatigue because when you stand up very quickly, your adrenals have to have this … it has a biofeedback mechanism and it has to raise your blood pressure temporarily so the blood doesn’t get too little in your head. That also is a bad side effect from some of the drugs because some of the drugs can cause adrenal fatigue. If you stand up, sit up, or suddenly get light headed, and want to go tump over on your head? You know, suspect your drugs, suspect adrenal fatigue.
Janet Lewis: Trouble waking up in the morning despite a full night sleep.
Doctor Lewis: God.
Janet Lewis: Low sex drive. So, see if people are getting all of these pellets and creams and all of this stuff, and it may just be their adrenals and they didn’t know that it was just their adrenals. Decreased ability to handle stress. I might go through a little bit of that sometimes.
Doctor Lewis: She takes those adrenal products she may talk about, but she takes a lot of pantothenic acids also. I thought it’s just because it made me for tolerable to live with.
Janet Lewis: Pantothenic acid’s wonderful. If you feel like you’re having an anxiety attack, which I used to feel like I would get that because there was so much coming at you so fast.
Doctor Lewis: There still is, but we can still handle the stress much better.
Janet Lewis: It’ll make your heart race and it’ll make you feel like you’re trying to have a heart attack. Pantothenic acid completely took care of that for me. It was like, that’s great. Poor memory and mental fogginess is actually a sign of adrenal fatigue.
Doctor Lewis: That sometimes, many times goes back to the GI tract. When you have a GI track full of candida and those books were written 30, 40 years ago, some of them. The Yeast Connection is one of the good ones. The yeast, for some reason, stops the thiaminase inside them, so it eats up your B1. When somebody just says brain fog on their health survey, I pretty much automatically put them on benfotiamine and they will, you know, nine times out of ten say, “I don’t know. My brain fog’s gone.”
Janet Lewis: Yeah, Benfotiamine’s excellent.
Doctor Lewis: Yeah, it’s way more absorbable form of Thiamin.
Janet Lewis: There’s a lot of people that tell you, “Well, when you’re that stressed, you should go exercise because it just makes you feel great.” Well, personally, and you know, it’s interesting, I think that’s for people with high cortisol more so. I think they do better exercising. The people with cortisol, they’re already so whipped, it’s like really, you’re going to add one more thing on to my plate. Like, I have to go run?
Doctor Lewis: Yeah, Doctor and Bowen and Doctor Bowen, they do Ironman competitions and they’re really young, good-looking, and in good shape. Doctor Ruth Bowen says, “Well if you’ll just start going out with us and riding bikes, and doing this, and doing this, you’ll get that endorphin rush in your head. It’s like getting high.” I said, “Ruth, when I do that, I get tired, so.”
Janet Lewis: I know. That’s because our adrenals are different. When you’re that stressed and your adrenals are that tired and worn out, the key is to focus on gentle activities when you’re exercising like, walking or yoga, or gentle cycling. Huh?
Doctor Lewis: When you get your sex drive back.
Janet Lewis: Is that a gentle exercise?
Doctor Lewis: It can go either way.
Janet Lewis: I’m not going to answer that either. Tai Chi.
Doctor Lewis: Sorry guys.
Janet Lewis: Moving on. Once you’re starting to feel better, you can improve exercise tolerance, gradually beginning to add in some moderate exercise, which may be where that falls under.
Doctor Lewis: You might be able to tolerate me a little longer.
Janet Lewis: Well, that’s all I have to say about that. So, now it’s back to you.
Doctor Lewis: Are my ears red?
Janet Lewis: Yeah, your whole heads red.
Doctor Lewis: You know, I’m just going to ramble. Here I go down Doctor Amanda, down the rabbit trails again and jumping down a rabbit hole. You know you hear me talk about toxins and I think that’s very very prevalent. More so than it was in the 70’s. Some of the things that are toxic is taking a shower in the morning, you’re getting the chloride and fluoride. You’re absorbing from the water through your skin, cosmetics can be horribly toxic, although, we got one or two girls that’s going even carry that to a new dimension where they’ll teach us about it.
Doctor Lewis: There can be like 100 different chemical compounds just in your shower and in your food that you eat for breakfast. The average person, according to the … there was a report on human exposure to chemicals and this was done by the Center for Disease Control, talked about American’s of all ages are carrying over 219 toxic chemicals in their body in any given time. If the CDC says that, you can take it to the bank, except there’s probably 1,219.
Doctor Lewis: The immune system, the liver, and the kidneys’ kind of take the hit on that and that’s why we say get the immune system, the gut healed. I’m always helping people with their liver. If their enzymes aren’t just picture perfect, I always give their liver something that it can have building blocks to detox even more rapidly. Again, you know, the FDA says that supplements can’t, you know, do anything for symptoms and diseases and I say, they’re absolutely right. But, if you got three two by fours and seven bricks, what kind of house can you build versus if you have an 18 wheeler load of bricks and 18 wheeler load of two by fours?
Doctor Lewis: More building blocks you can build a better building or better immune system and more energy. So, you have pretty much an increased toxic burden in your system. Some of the toxins, you know, they come from pollution. I could read you research about that. Auto exhaust and diesel exhaust actually can increase your risk of heart attack when you get behind that smoky diesel guy. Solvents, which is paint and cleaning products. Most cleaning products contain chlorine.
Doctor Lewis: Pesticides, herbicides, and insecticides, radiation, inhalants, toxins that come from your lifestyle. This is in a huge book called, oh, I forget the name of it. It’s a huge book, about 900 pages about cancer. I read that once. The dietary choices, you know, fast foods, and fried foods, you know, the inflammatory chemicals. Although I’m a big proponent of keto and Drew Manning and all that, fat is good, except you need to get the clean fat from the clean animals because if it’s not clean animals, then it’s stored more toxins.
Doctor Lewis: Cosmetics, nicotine, alcohol, oh, alcohol and caffeine. God, that hurt. Any kind of drug, over the counter, or prescription. They always steal more nutrients of the nutrients you don’t have enough of anyway. Just had a consultation about that about a couple of hours ago. Food additives, coloring, and preservatives. One lady today says, “Well, I’m taking this, my doctor prescribed it.” I said, “Well, it’s got a known cancer causer in it because it’s a dye.” Why do you care what your supplement looks? They put cancer-causing food dye in it. I’d run like crazy. Refined foods and sugars.
Doctor Lewis: Now, then there’s internal toxins. You know, I mentioned yeast and yeast and fungus overgrowth can wreak havoc. There’s a book called Cancer is a Fungus by Doctor Simoncini, and God forbid I ever get cancer, but I think I’d go to Rome, Italy if I had it to let him treat it. I’m an expert of yeast overgrowth.
Janet Lewis: I’m pretty sure that you could take a trip there and be treated for less than they would charge you for their standard American care here for cancer.
Doctor Lewis: Oh, yeah and then you get to see Rome.
Janet Lewis: Exactly. You’d feel way better when you were done.
Doctor Lewis: Yeah, one way or the other. I’m an expert on yeast, fungal overgrowth because Janet helped me fight it for six years. It’s a long story. We won’t get into it. Byproducts of your typical metabolic reactions, which is you know like, carbon dioxide and ammonia. Make sure your kidneys are cleaning that real well. Undigested food. It’s amazing how many people don’t have enough digestive enzymes and their chloride’s not high enough to make hydrochloric acid. If you can’t have enough hydrochloric acid, it doesn’t eat the protein sheath off yeast, fungus, or a virus. And then, they go down the small intestine and set up shop and you wonder why you have a belly full of yeast, and you got the belching burping full feeling.
Doctor Lewis: And then, you get the fibromyalgia or fatigue. Stress, and again, we create a lot of our own stress. So, that’s why you should go pray, meditate, sit on the deer stand, don’t take a gun, [inaudible 00:20:48] don’t shoot anything. Unresolved trauma or abuse. There’s a lot that going around, so in a world where you can be anything you want to be, the best thing you can be is just be kind to other people. Unhappy relationships, yeah, understand that one. Now, that I’ve got a really super one, I really understand how toxic some things used to be in my past.
Doctor Lewis: We can help with that with the nutritional part of it. If you’re here locally, I’d give you a hug even though I’m not supposed to, I do it anyway. But, the nutrients that you need like, phase one, detoxification, that’s B2 and three, which also help your thyroid enzymes or thyroid hormones to be converted. B12, B6, folic acid and be careful if you have that folic acid, 5-MTHF are a problem. Making glutathione and bioflavonoids. Phase two, methenamine16, magnesium, glutathione, vitamins B5 and that’s the pantothenic acid, B12 and it’s not just B12 folks. It’s got to be methylcobalamin.
Doctor Lewis: Vitamin C, glycine, taurine, glutamine, folic acid, and choline. If you’ll notice, most of those things, if not all of them are in the formulas that we put you on. We do understand phase one, phase two, and how to clean your body out. It’s not like that infomercial that goes for 30 minutes on TV that detox won’t make you young, rich, and good looking in three weeks, just because they make you poop.
Janet Lewis: There are some natural herbs and spices that help build your immune system.
Doctor Lewis: When we were in Colorado and we didn’t do any of them.
Janet Lewis: No, because on the way home there was a million signs that said, “Welcome back to Texas. If you got arrested for picking up some illegal substances.”
Doctor Lewis: Cannabis.
Janet Lewis: “While in another state, call us.” There must be a lot of that going on. We did not partake nor buy.
Doctor Lewis: Not since 1975.
Janet Lewis: I wasn’t hardly even very old then. But, there are some natural spices that you can have because we don’t want to make you feel like we’re trying to sell you something. You can actually do some of this on your own to help your immune system. Like, honeysuckle and chrysanthemum are good antivirals. I don’t know how you’re supposed to eat that. Is that right off the flower?
Doctor Lewis: You compete with the bees. You get stung on the nose.
Janet Lewis: Artemisia.
Doctor Lewis: Yeah, artemisia’s actually …
Janet Lewis: That’s a wicked like guy.
Doctor Lewis: That’s good for killing worms and worm eggs too.
Janet Lewis: Licorice and that’s not like the …
Doctor Lewis: Yeah, it’s deglycerized licorice.
Janet Lewis: Yeah, it’s not like the good licorice. Turmeric, or turmeric, however, you would like to say that. Black pepper, but don’t do black pepper and turmeric together.
Doctor Lewis: That’s very good because and a lot of them say, “We put black pepper in our so you can enhance the absorption of turmeric.” No, you usually get allergic or sensitive to both of them and don’t absorb either one of them. You know, there’s a lot of sales hypes out there that go on just a little bit of information and it’s usually misinformation. I’m going to do a podcast here pretty soon about the research that people believe that is somewhere between BS and bologna. BS is belief systems.
Janet Lewis: We’ll call that fallacies and fiction.
Doctor Lewis: Yeah.
Janet Lewis: We have to clean it up.
Doctor Lewis: You’re kind.
Janet Lewis: Oregano is another big one, actually, for the immune system.
Doctor Lewis: Yeah. Well, that’s really hard on the yeast. It’ll kick them out. That will clean up the GI tract.
Janet Lewis: One of my personal favorites, cinnamon. I love cinnamon.
Doctor Lewis: But, my mama put it with sugar and butter on toast, that’s not the best way to take it, folks.
Janet Lewis: No. And cloves. You know, cloves are interesting. They remind me of being in a dental office for some reason, that same smell.
Doctor Lewis: Well, they used to use it.
Janet Lewis: Oh, really.
Doctor Lewis: Yeah. As a deadening agent.
Janet Lewis: I swear he is so intelligent. He was actually on another podcast the other day and someone asked him something about what he ate and he said, “Oh, avocados are actually my favorite fruit.” And I said, when it was over, I said, “I think you did that wrong.” I said, “You said avocados were a fruit.” He goes, “They are a fruit.”
Doctor Lewis: No, I said, I could be wrong honey and I left it that. I’m smart.
Janet Lewis: No, he told me to Google it, which I did. It’s actually from the berry family. It is a fruit and I thought, oh my gosh, there’s just so much rattling around up there that’s just very impressive.
Doctor Lewis: Well, knowledge is knowing tomato is a fruit, wisdom’s not putting it in a fruit salad.
Janet Lewis: I did not know tomato was a fruit either until that same conversation, so you just never know what’s coming out.
Doctor Lewis: I’m not that smart. I read a lot and I remembered a couple of things.
Janet Lewis: I do know, we wanted to address the conversation that we had on Facebook about a multi-vitamin that there was a study done, I don’t know what multi-vitamin and we can only assume it was not a good multi-vitamin. They followed these people around for 12 years that had the heart issues. They concluded that taking a daily multi-vitamin did absolutely no good or helped that at all with any kind of cardiovascular risk. Doctor Lewis wanted to address that, so I’m going to let him talk about that.
Doctor Lewis: She asked me to clean it up. You know, here’s the thing, you will hear studies and again, I’m going to do a podcast on the facts, and the fallacies, and the BS, which is belief systems or bacon sandwich. A lot of people throw out research and then they hang their hat on it. You know, I’ll dispel the aspirin’s good for the heart myth too, while they ignored 84 good studies that said that one, it’s bull, and how they skewed the statistics.
Doctor Lewis: All right, here’s the thing. First of all, we don’t know if it’s a good multi-vitamin, multi-mineral. Here it says, “Minerals and essential fatty acids help the thyroid, which helps the heart.” That comes from the Journal of Molecular Cellular Endocrinology. Then, there’s one that says, “Fish oil lowers cholesterol and improves the function of sex hormones, which helps the heart.” American College of Nutrition. Let’s see, let’s go to another one. I’ve got a list of about 100 here. You know, I won’t get there.
Doctor Lewis: “Fruits, vegetable, EFA’s, essential fatty acids, nuts, antioxidants, decrease endothelial inflammation.” That means the covering of the heart. That’s from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Chocalate lowers lukatrienes which leads to less inflammation.” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. That honey is why I like chocolate. See, another one. “I-3-C.” That’s the thing that’s in the cruciferous vegetables that help clean up the hormone imbalance. You know, leads to DIM, which Janet talks about a lot. “Helps in the detoxification of environmental estrogens, which helps balance hormones for those of you with hormonal symptoms ” that’s from Journal of Biology Chemistry.
Janet Lewis: Well, I think it is safe to say that that vitamin that they did the testing on was not a pharmaceutical grade vitamin. I’m assuming it was something that was an over the counter product because they’re right. You can take that it’ll do absolutely nothing because we’ve seen it on lab.
Doctor Lewis: Have you ever kissed a girl and it absolutely did nothing for you? I’m not asking Janet that, but guys out there, have you ever kissed a girl and there was nothing there? That doesn’t mean all girls are that way.
Janet Lewis: Well, okay, I don’t even know where to go with that.
Doctor Lewis: I was just making her speechless. “Homocysteine, which is lack of vitamin B, damages endothelium.” Now, that means you’ve got to have good folic acid, which is probably the F-MTHF, then you got to have B6 and B12. That’s from Journal of Circulation. There’s half of you out there that have that 5-MTHF problem and you got a lower homocysteine. Just saw a lab today. Her homocysteine was a 20. It needs to be under a seven.
Janet Lewis: And speaking of lab, would you recommend that for adrenal fatigue and immune system, which lab would you recommend that someone …
Doctor Lewis: At least the GWH3. That stands for green wisdom help three, that’s comprehensive.
Janet Lewis: What’s in that panel that you would be looking for to see someone’s immune system?
Doctor Lewis: Well, the ratio of lymphocytes to neutrophils, to basophils and eosinophils and the total number of your white blood cells. Then, you’d see the globulins, then you can see the alkaline phosphatase. And then you can see cortisol, which is going to tell me if your adrenals are running 120 miles an hour down a rainy I20, which people around here know that’s dangerous to go 70 when it’s raining, or if it’s dragging your butt. If you do your three cups of coffee and go back to bed, you know you have adrenal fatigue.
Doctor Lewis: We’ll see plenty unless you just want to add your hormones, which I think is a good idea. Then it’s GWH1 for a woman because they’re number one. GWH2 for a man because we’re always number two.
Janet Lewis: There you have it, folks. So, if you’re tired, don’t be too tired. Go on our website to greenwisdomhelp.com fill out our health survey, and it will actually recommend which lab panel you need based on what you fill out. You can actually purchase the lab there online and have it drawn somewhere close to you where you don’t have to generally drive very far to have that draw feed done, or the draw accomplished. We get the results back here and Doctor Lewis goes over the lab with you. That is part of the that GWH1 he’s talking about or the three.
Janet Lewis: It comes with a functional medicine report, recommendations from him on supplements, and time with him, which is invaluable, as you can tell. I’ve spent 30 minutes of it with him today and it’s been delightful.
Doctor Lewis: My brilliance smart alack remarks. Thanks, Jonathon, I love talking to you.
Janet Lewis: You guys have a blessed week and we’ll be here next time for the Green Wisdom Health Show.