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Holiday Blues and Bloating!

Janet Lewis: Hello and welcome to our show. I’m Janet Lewis.

Dr. Lewis: And I’m Dr. Lewis.

Janet Lewis: And we are bringing you another exciting show about holiday issues, holiday fun, festivities, but there could be blues and bloating also. We are going to educate you if you’ve eaten all that turkey and you feel a little stuffed, a little bit more than your turkey is that there could be a reason for that.

Dr. Lewis: Take it from a doctor. You need better nutrition.

Janet Lewis: That’s right. There’s no need to be stuffed or bloated because we have things that will help you not be and we’re going to teach you the signs and symptoms of what it could be so that you don’t think it’s just normal. Now, if you are overeating, that could be a sign that you’re stuffed and we can’t do anything about that. But if you are eating normally and you’re having some bloating issues, Dr. Lewis is going to discuss with us about why we’re doing that and then we also got a lot of clients that wanted us to talk a little bit about holiday depression because even as fun as the holidays are for us, some people do experience depression and blueness nearing the holidays. Maybe that’s why they call it I’ll have a blue Christmas. We want you to have a bright, cheery, white Christmas. Dr. Lewis, can you help people feel better, live healthier and happier, productive lives?

Dr. Lewis: Absolutely. We do that nutritionally but I think it’s always a good idea to hit the mental and the spiritual aspect of it. One of the things I’d like to say is there’s so many people that talk to us. Even Layla from the United Kingdom said some very nice things. If you’re listening, thank you. Ms. Smirnoff from … I forget where you’re from. I think it’s Michigan, somewhere up in there. Yes, ma’am, we’re doing podcast again.

There is so much and I hope I can tie all this together. Many, many times the poor digestion has a lot to do with depression. Now, if you have thoughts of suicide or harming yourself or other people, go to a psychiatrist right off the bat because I always say this is not an alternative to medicine but sometimes it’s very, very complementary. If you’d get your body healthier, sometimes you may need some of the drugs less and less so you’ll have to discuss that with your doctor.

As far as digestion goes, and this is one of the things that I talk to people about over and over again, you have to think about probiotics and you have to think about digestive enzymes. Folks, I know they do sometime similar things but they’re not the same. Probiotics for mood enhancement, it makes a big difference. Janet can tell you the day or within one or two days of when I quit taking my probiotics, and I have to take a lot because of GI issues which I’ve had all my life, and she’ll say, “Stephen, you’re not taking your probiotics, are you?” I said, “Who’s the doctor here?” She says, “But I know so much about nutrition.” I said, “Yes, ma’am. You do.” She will nail me on, “Oh, you’re not taking your probiotics.”

I’m going to tell you why that’s important. It has to do a lot … There’s a lot of research about this, too. They actually call them psychobiotics. It’s a live probiotic that when you get it in your system in large enough amounts produces benefits in patients, even the ones that are suffering from psychiatric illnesses. They act sort of as a delivery system or a vehicle for neuroactive compounds that’s neurotransmitters, which I like to call happy hormones. They stimulate the nervous system in a good way.

This was done in the animal models, usually mice. Bifidobacterium infantis was found to increase the precursor to serotonin. Serotonin is the one that makes you feel very peaceful. People say, “I don’t know what you’re giving me but it’s the peace of God in a bottle.” Just getting heavy duty amounts of that and it’s best to take probiotics that have many, many different species in it.

The bifidobacterium infantis actually helps to normalize your immune system response. Folks, you got to remember your immune system 60, 70, 80% in your GI tract and it helps to reverse negative behaviors, helps to increase norepinephrine or noradrenaline and that’s caused by stress if you have abnormal amounts of that. Then you got the lactobacillus. That’s the probiotic everybody seems to know about. Oh, I know about lactobacillus. Well, there’s a lot of different types. We know about the acidophilus but there’s one called rhamnosus and actually that reduces anxiety and alters the expression of GABA, which is gamma-aminobutyric acid.

We have some precursors to GABA and there’s actually a lady that stirs it into her husband’s coffee because usually people that are low in GABA and/or dopamine, they have addictive behaviors and this lady stirs it in her husband’s coffee without him knowing. He quit gambling. Then when she ran out of it, he went over to the casinos and blew about 15 grand right then. She said, “I’ll never forget it again.”

The GABA is a calming neurotransmitter, calming happy hormone that offsets anxiety and this can come or be aided by this bifidobacterium infantis. That’s in a lot of our different probiotic formulas. There’s more and more studies where in psychiatry they’re talking about the gut bacteria actually if it’s imbalance can contribute to psychiatric disorders in patients. If you listen to the news, which I do not suggest you do because it’ll cause stress in and of itself, how many of these people that are going crazy doing stupid things that might just need some good nutrition and maybe probiotics to get things working correctly? I wonder myself because they’ve done studies about even simple, not even very great B vitamins decreasing violence in prisons by 50%.

These microbes, they help the development of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. How many of you think you have adrenal fatigue or high cortisol, which is the precursor to going in fatigue? That’s a lot of people because of the stress.

Janet Lewis: Does it require a doctor who knows about nutrition in order to determine what you need as far as the digestive enzyme or what’s going on with why you’re bloated? When you talk about probiotics and you talk about digestive enzymes, how is a normal person supposed to know what to take without having a doctor that specializes in nutrition? Tell them.

Dr. Lewis: I think it’s a wise thing because me being the doctor and that’s all I study is nutrition. Well, okay. It’s not true. I study lab and nerve supply and all that, too. Yeah, I think it makes a big difference.

Janet Lewis: Basically you can’t just walk into the health food store and expect to pick up something that is going to get rid of your issues. You really need to speak to someone that specializes in nutrition that can really help understand.

Dr. Lewis: It’s like get lucky and find a needle in the haystack but how would you know? And, that’s why we do the low-cost lab work, which Janet and her brilliance has figured out how to get it where you can just go online and order it and look around and decide what you want. You can do it without me knowing it. If you need to, you can call me and let me help you decide what might be best for you, too.

Janet Lewis: Well, that’s one of our panels on lab is … Because you’re talking about digestion and not knowing what you need, one of our panels that we run, which is a pretty common panel, but a lot of people aren’t looking at it that way. A doctor of nutrition does. We’re looking at where the globulin on the lab is actually at an optimal level and not just in range. Based on that being high-

Dr. Lewis: That’s a immune system response and a reflection of digestion or lack of such or gastrointestinal inflammation, yes.

Janet Lewis: Based on that you can determine what kind of digestive enzyme or what needs to happen because some of it could be gallbladder. Some of it could be lack of digestive enzymes.

Dr. Lewis: We talked earlier on a different podcast about the bile and I think it was Layla from the United Kingdom said this is the first time she’s ever heard digestion explained in a way that she actually understood it. Thank you for listening even in the United Kingdom.

Janet Lewis: Well, I can explain digestion where they get it because I’ve experienced it. Many people have their gallbladders gone. That seems to be a very common surgery now that they get rid of it but people still have the problem even though their gallbladder is gone.

Dr. Lewis: Well, when my red light came on in my brand new truck, I just got under the hood and clipped the wire to the red light. I’m just teasing. I didn’t do that but it makes sense, doesn’t it?

Janet Lewis: That means that really it didn’t fix the problem just because you turned the light off. That’s like taking the gallbladder out didn’t fix their problem?

Dr. Lewis: That’s like saying firemen cause fires and firetrucks.

Janet Lewis: They basically still need a digestive enzyme if they’ve had their gallbladder removed, correct?

Dr. Lewis: You need it more then. I had a really good friend of mine, preacher, wonderful, wonderful man says, “But, Doc, I go to the bathroom two or three times a day,” when Janet talks about her train story. I said, “That’s elimination. How much are you digesting? Take these probiotics and take these digestive enzymes.” It wasn’t long. He came back and says, “Oh, my god, you new what you were talking about.” I said, “Well, I won’t get up and preach because I’m not qualified to the degree that you are. You just let me take care of the nutrition.” He’s doing absolutely wonderful.

Janet Lewis: Well, I know when you have a gallbladder problem … I still have mine and I do have a problem with my gallbladder. I always have. Enough digestive enzymes actually can make the gallbladder do what it’s supposed to and you can get by with eating some of those bad things. I remember-

Dr. Lewis: I led her into temptation more than once.

Janet Lewis: Well, I remember trying to eat a bunch of olive oil with some crackers, the bread thing. I think I might have been in a winery and I’m sure I wasn’t having the wine.

Dr. Lewis: Yeah, she thinks she might have been in a winery. Something deleted her memory because we were.

Janet Lewis: I thought that olive oil with that stuff they put in there and put it in the bread was just delicious until my gallbladder told me it was not delicious.

Dr. Lewis: I stopped on the side of the road, folks, if that’s what she’s getting to.

Janet Lewis: Yes. Yes. At that time, I didn’t know about digestive enzymes because people think, “Well, you all are healthy and you all know all of this stuff.” Well, a lot of it is because we had to experience it. Unfortunately, digestion is a huge one for me. Because of that incident and other ones like it, we knew something was missing with the gallbladder. We’ve got products that actually contain ox bile in them because the ox bile helps then the bile so that you can …

Dr. Lewis: It aids in digestion in a big way. When it’s in, it can flow and take out those nasty things the liver concentrated to get rid off.

Janet Lewis: Yes, our favorite one that we use is Ortho Digestzyme from Ortho Molecular because it has the ox bile in it. It has the different …

Dr. Lewis: Betaine, hydrochloric acid, the bromelain. It has the papain. It has the pepsin. It’s really, really good and a very concentrated pancreatin.

Back to the probiotics. I know I ramble and Janet has trouble keeping me there. There’s a bacteria called bifidobacterium longum that if you take it, say, for 30 days, it actually reduces the psychological distress and it reduces cortisol levels. There are a lot of people who have high cortisol levels, high stress, jittery thoughts, anxious. These bacteria can make a huge, huge difference and don’t think that you’re buying yogurt and doing yourself any good. I had a lady today says, “Well, I bought buttermilk.” I said, “Is it pasteurized?” She said, “Yes.” I said, “Well, it doesn’t have any good bacteria in it. They kill it when they pasteurize it.” She said, “I never thought about it.” That’s why I think you need to make your decisions about nutrition from a doctor or somebody that knows maybe a little bit more about it and understands the physiology and how things work.

Janet Lewis: One other thing that we’re pretty excited about and we’ve been waiting for it quite a long time is weight loss. People are looking for weight loss. Especially during the holidays, they’re all eating whatever they want and then they want to have weight loss. Speaking of digestion and all these, it falls hand in hand because we now have the ability to get canary seeds, believe it or not, something a bird would eat, but they’re hybridized canary seeds which means they don’t have the silica fiber on the outside that’s actually harmful for a human.

Dr. Lewis: But not GMO.

Janet Lewis: Correct. They’re non-GMO and when you grind them up and drink them as a milk, it actually helps digestion. It’s a filter to unclog all of the bad junk in the body and the end result is you lose weight. We are so excited because we finally now have access to this. We’ve been waiting for a long time.

Dr. Lewis: Yeah, for Fran who’s been interested and for Trisha up in Indiana. She’s got a great sense of humor. I love her.

Janet Lewis: If you will go to www.eatmyseed … I’m sorry.

Dr. Lewis:

Janet Lewis:

Dr. Lewis: Yeah, it confuses me.

Janet Lewis: Yeah,

Dr. Lewis: Have you ever seen a fat canary? I rest my case.

Janet Lewis: Right. You can learn all about how to lose weight. You’ll also have a way to get your digestive system back in check.

Dr. Lewis: In the research, it lowers blood sugar. It mobilizes cholesterol, lowers cholesterol and lowers A1c, lowers your chance of heart attack and stroke and this is done on animal studies. There’s a lot of research attached to it. But most of the stuff on the internet that says silica-free, guess what, folks? When you buy it and put it under a microscope, they’re lying to you. Our stuff is really silica-free. We’re glad we’re just starting this. It’s a really good thing. Janet and I don’t sell anything we don’t own in our heart. I got to own it and I went from 34 jeans which were tight, tight, tight. 35s were relatively comfortable. Now, I’m in a very comfortable 33. I didn’t really need to lose a lot of weight so it works.

Janet Lewis: What I’ve noticed because I am the master of the train story, it definitely speeds up train production.

Dr. Lewis: Yeah, it does. I talked about the probiotics and the digestion. If you can get that going, it really can help with the holiday blues. Part of the blues is because we’re doing too many sugars, too many carbs that feed the yeast and the yeast will many, many times create brain fog, the dopey, dizzy space. You can’t concentrate, poor memory, depressed for no reason, loss of interest, confusion, fatigue for no reason or mood swings out of proportion to the trigger. That’s a lot. That can be because, oh, you put the wrong stuff in and, on top of that, you’re not digesting it. Throw in one or maybe two of these digestive enzymes. Throw in your probiotics and we’ve got some, oh, my god, big ones.

Alcohol during the holidays, folks, it’s a depressive thing so be careful about that. Nutritional deficiencies can add to depression, anxiety and stress.

Janet Lewis: One of my favorite ones for that is 5-HTP. Now, you can’t be on antidepressant and take that but it’s 5-Hydroxytryptophan and the one we sell here is the 100 milligram and we call it the Peace of God in a bottle because it literally helps with mood, weight loss and sleep. I gave it to a lady the other day because she was having some issues with one of her kids.

Dr. Lewis: We’ve never experienced that.

Janet Lewis: She was taking the 5-HTP at night and she comes in and she goes, “Do you have anything that I can take during the day because my kids … I don’t even know. They’re coming in for the holidays. I just am really stressed about it.” I said, “Try taking one of those 5-HTP during the day.”

Dr. Lewis: I’ve taken a cruise. To heck with 5-HTP. I’ve taken a cruise and the kids are showing up to an empty house. Oh, sorry. Sorry. I digressed.

Janet Lewis: She tried this 5-HTP. We have a couple of them. One of them is a controlled release which actually releases a little bit all day long and then the other one, it last about three or four hours.

Dr. Lewis: I do controlled release for sleep. Go ahead.

Janet Lewis: We usually get it at night for sleep but I didn’t realize which one she had and she took a controlled release during the day. She came in the next day and I said, “How did it work?” She goes, “Oh, that stuff is awesome.” She goes, “I don’t care what my kids think.” I said, “Which one did you take?” She said, “This one you gave me for at night,” which was the controlled release. I said, “Really?” I said, “It last all day during the day also?” She goes, “Hadn’t cared at all.” She said, “I’m coming back in for another bottle.” If you have a lot on your mind, you might try 5-HTP and you do need a good quality one. The ones I’m talking about are the high grade end, which is Ortho Molecular is the regular and then we have one by Xymogen that is a controlled release. Do make sure they’re the 100 milligram though when you are on our website at

Dr. Lewis: There’s another one that’s my favorite that’s more of the shotgun approach. It’s not just 5-HTP. It’s called Neurolink from Designs for Health and it has in B6. Folks, this the activated B6, P5P. You have to have B6 for these neurotransmitters to cross the blood-brain barrier to get into the brain. Then it has tyrosine which is amino acid that’s really good for your thyroid, too, folks. It helps you be more peaceful. Then it has the GABA, glutamine and acetylcholine and 5-HTP. We have a lot of people on it that have ADD, ADHD and it just calms down that fire in their neurological system and other people, it’s like, “Oh, my god, I just feel so wonderful.”

Keep in mind one of the reasons that we overeat is because we’re not searching for more food. We’re searching for more nutrients that are not there. For example, our soils are depleted, the minerals, but even brown rice, which is low in minerals, when you convert it to white rice and bleach it, you lose 80% of most of the trace minerals like magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc and more. You’re starting out with brown rice. It doesn’t have enough of that stuff in it. Then you’re throwing away 80% of what it did have. Think about that. The standard American diet, sad. It’s pretty bad about creating some of these nutritional deficiencies and magnesium has a major amount of psychological impact and enzyme processes in the brain as well as other things as AFIB.

I had a lady down in South Louisiana I was talking to earlier. Sweetheart of a lady and she says, “I’ve only been on your stuff for three months and my AFIB went away completely.” I said, “Well, I hope you’re seeing your cardiologist about it.” She said, “I am but it went away and he took me off some medicines because of it.” If you put in the nutrition, hopefully it’s put out by a doctor. Hopefully that’s me. But good nutrition can allow your body to function at a higher level. Even a chromium deficiency can cause hypoglycemia which can create mood swings and depression. When you eat that piece of pumpkin pie and top it off with pumpkin cake, well, you got to have a piece of your mamma’s chocolate pie, pecan pie and then, oh, my god your chromium is low so your sugar hits rock bottom. Then you get tired and depressed or hangry after that. It’s probably just a nutritional deficiency.

Janet Lewis: Well, I think it’s very interesting. If you don’t have good bile flow, like we were talking about, digestive enzymes help do better bile flow.

Dr. Lewis: Is that what the Nile goes into is the bile?

Janet Lewis: Bile. Yes. It’s the Bile river and it doesn’t go.

Dr. Lewis: It ends in your body.

Janet Lewis: That’s right. If it’s not flowing, one of the signs of it is bloating, bloating in your mid and/or lower abdomen an hour after eating.

Dr. Lewis: If you’re sitting there with a football inside your small intestine that’s inflated instead of deflated like in the Super Bowl, you might have a bile problem.

Janet Lewis: Yeah, because we’ll literally ask people when they tell us they’re bloated, we’ll say, “What part of your stomach are you bloated in because it does make a difference of what’s wrong?” Another sign that you can see on lab is elevated cholesterol because cholesterol primarily leaves the body with the excretion of bile. If bile flows back up, your cholesterol levels will rise.

Dr. Lewis: Pay attention to cholesterol, folks.

Janet Lewis: Isn’t that interesting that it’s not about just taking a drug to lower the cholesterol levels? It’s actually a sign. Your body is trying to tell you that your bile could be backed up. With insufficient bile flow, you also have insufficient stomach acid production generally. That’s why some of you we put on things like betaine, hydrochloric acid. There’s a little bit of it in our Ortho Digestzyme. It’s enough that-

Dr. Lewis: Quite a bit of it.

Janet Lewis: Well, yeah. There’s enough that it’s a very well rounded product so you can take care of your bile and take care of your stomach acid production because a lot of people have been told they have too much stomach acid so that’s why they get on drugs to help it. The reality is is they don’t have enough.

Dr. Lewis: Most of the time that’s true.

Janet Lewis: As you have stomach acid, you’ll be able to break down your foods and you won’t have that bloating an hour after you’ve eaten.

Dr. Lewis: Let me tell you about an email I got yesterday and I still have to write him back because it’s going to be a long email back to him. He emailed me and he said he think he has a candida infection and he has all these bloating. He’s depressed and he’s memory loss and he’s a young man, especially compared to me. He’s really young. He says, “I just don’t know what to do.” Well, what this young man is doing is he’s actually getting opinions from several different people and he’s picking and choosing a little bit here and a little bit there. One of the things, and he mentioned it in his email, was he says, “Well, I thought about buying that benfotiamine that you talked about.”

Well, folks, if you’ve got an overgrowth of yeast, and fatigue and depression are very, very common with a B1 deficiency. The candida or yeast actually slow the utilization of B1 because it breaks down the thiaminase enzyme and so you have to overwhelm it with a good one. B1 is good. The benfotiamine is better. This guy is just thinking about it and it’s like if you’ve got that kind of deal, you’ve got to find somebody you really trust and jump in and do the whole recipe. Don’t do a little bit of a recipe here and a little bit of a recipe somewhere else and don’t be picking and choosing. He could have already been well if he had followed my advice from the start probably. I don’t get them all right either because there’s so many different factors.

Folks, when you find something that you feel good about internally or spiritually or with your intuition and your gut feeling, follow it 100%. It’s very important but sometimes that brain fog, and depression, and fatigue is just a B1 deficiency because your yeast is stealing it all. It can be that simple. It’s not always.

Janet Lewis: Isn’t that interesting? It’s really not all in your heard. It’s actually in your gut.

Dr. Lewis: There’s actually Nobel winners over a hundred years ago that made the connection between your gut and your brain and probiotics or good bacteria, but we’re not practicing it to a large degree. I love our medical profession. God knows they bail me out more than once and they do a really good job but we’re not really healthy and it’s either too many toxins in your system or not enough nutrients and usually both because there’s been evidence that our soils have been depleted of all their minerals for a hundred years or better and the way we fertilize our crops makes it even worse. It increases the gluten amount from 4 to 40 times. That’s why people are having gluten intolerance which can lead to autoimmune diseases. All you people who have Hashimoto’s you know what I’m talking about.

Folks, get rid of the toxins, increase the nutrients, throw it in. Ask God the blessing. Quit worrying about it. Don’t stress about trying to do it perfectly because you can’t do it perfectly and the stress will kill you a whole lot quicker than anything else. I just show up and smile. Even my son says, “Your standard answer for everything is it’s all good.” I said, “Yeah, but that song has already been written but it is all good.” You got to enjoy these things, folks.

Janet Lewis: If you’re new to listening to our show, we probably should explain to you our approach as to what we do to help you figure out what’s going on. I had a guy today literally called me, says, “I was on your website, the” He said, “I think I need my testosterone checked.” I said, “Okay.” I said, “How do you know you have a testosterone problem?” He said, “Because I’m tired.” I said, “Okay. Well, that could be a underlying virus. It could be a liver problem. It could be low cortisol. It could be high cortisol. It could be a risk of heart attack or stroke. It could be your testosterone. It could be a whole lot of things.” He goes, “Well, now I don’t know what it is.” I said, “Exactly.”

What we recommend, Dr. Lewis has some favorited panels in the middle of our lab panels.

Dr. Lewis: Preferred, featured, favorite.

Janet Lewis: Featured, yes.

Dr. Lewis: I don’t know.

Janet Lewis: They’re featured.

Dr. Lewis: Something like that. One of those words.

Janet Lewis: All of his featured ones start with GWH for Green Wisdom Health. But the most common one that we recommend is the comprehensive panel. We ask you to start there because it’s 12 different lab panels. The cart price on it right now is 298. When you get on there and you see that, then you’ll know you’ve got the right one but it includes Dr. Lewis’s consultation. There’s a functional medicine report. There’s a copy of your lab and we give you a recommended supplement sheet of what products that we’re suggesting for you whenever the lab comes in to help you with issues that we find on the lab. It takes away the guess work and I told him that. I said, “You can come in here and you can buy a bottle of something for testosterone. It may or may not work. But if it doesn’t work, what are you going to do then? Then you’ve wasted money on a bottle of pills that wasn’t really what you needed.” I told him, “You’d be better off to do the lab, figure out what you’re missing.”

Then we don’t say, “Hey, let’s twist your arm off while you go purchase all these products.” You can do as much or as little or none of it if you want but at least you know what’s wrong and you’re not guessing anymore and that gives you peace of mind and it gives you hope and it gives you a map of how to get started. If that’s something you’re considering doing, start there. Fill out our health survey if you buy the lab because that really does help us put it together better because then we can look at what you’re trying to achieve versus your prescriptions because we don’t ever take you off of that. Then we also match up what we find on the lab and get your health back optimal.

We hope this show has helped you. We hope you don’t have the holiday blues and for God’s sakes we hope you’re not bloated.

Dr. Lewis: That can lead to depression. I say this different ways. There’s two kinds of people. Those that look back on their life and say, “God, I’m glad I did.” Then there’s those that say, “Damn it, I wish I had of.” Don’t be one of those.

Janet Lewis: With that being said, we’ll be back next time with another exciting show right here on the Green Wisdom Health Show.

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