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The Green-Wisdom-Health Podcast with Dr. Stephen and Janet Lewis-Yes, It’s Probably Your Thyroid!

In today’s episode we discuss: Could be an Iodine deficiency! Can’t lose weight or easy weight gain Poor thyroid function has been linked to serious health conditions such as: Fibromyalgia Irritable Bowel Syndrome Acne or Eczema Gum Disease Infertility AutoImmune Disease   We discussed low cost lab work and mentioned the 5 parts of the…

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Understanding Lab Work and Nutritional Supplements with Daniel Perryman the Low Carb Leader

What does lab work have to do with proper nutrition? Can’t you just take a multi-vitamin and call it complete? How do you figure out what nutrional supplements are right for you? Find out on this show where we will discuss with Daniel Perryman the low carb leader, what to look for on lab to…

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