Janet Lewis: |
Hello, and welcome to this week’s show. I’m Janet Lewis.
Dr. Lewis: |
And I’m Dr. Lewis.
Janet Lewis: | And we are here, ready to bring you another show. Dr. Lewis always says it’s not exciting, so I’m going to have to change my words to something else because I think it’s supposed to be funny today, from what I understand.
Dr. Lewis: | I hope it’s exciting.
Janet Lewis: | As exciting as we can make this, we’re going to talk about hormones, aging, and cancer. Dr. Lewis, I’m going to let you take it from there and you tell us what you’ve got up your sleeve.
Dr. Lewis: | Well, I was told a couple of time, once by my sweet wife on Facebook and once by Dr. Omara on Facebook that I needed to have filters. Believe it or not, when I get really crazy, that is filtered. I think my biggest frustration is I see people, or I give people answers, and then I see their health go downhill because they choose not to use the answers. It frustrates me because I think we all deserve and are capable of having a healthy, happy life. Healthy and happy, and that goes back to the spiritual side of it. You have to be able to accept it.
This show’s going to have a lot of Steven-isms in it, like getting old is not the same as aging. Pay attention to that one. I’d like to tell people that being healthy is not a reward for starting. It’s a reward for finishing. It’s the ones that get started and stick with it that get the results. Yeah, I’m going to get into some semi sort of technical stuff too, but for the most part I do want you to have fun. I do want it to be exciting. I just don’t always know that … I don’t necessarily think that I’m exciting, but knowledgeable yes.
One of the things that Lincoln said one time is if he had eight hours to chop down a tree, he’d spend six hours to sharpen his ax. I think in America for a large degree we’ve forgotten that our bodies are smart and that it’s endowed by God with an innate or inborn intelligence so that if it has the right materials to work with it can actually heal itself. Again, this is going to be kind of all over the place. One of the biggest challenges I have, and Janet, is to name these things because I am so much all over the place.
I want to talk about priorities a little bit. People are funny with their priorities. We sell a product more because it will help decrease wrinkles and help hold the skin together even though that same collagen-producing supplement or the supplement that helps your body produce its own collagen, even though that’s the matrix for healthy bones. I used to tell people, “If you have bone density test that doesn’t get worse, that’s a positive outcome.” But I have actually seen quite a few that within one, two, three years they actually reversed some of the bone loss.
Janet and I are learning a lot all the time. That’s why I have bags under my eyes, because I read too much and talk to other people that are scientists, actually. There are some really exciting products that we have and some that are coming very, very soon. So we’re getting better results with the people that have lost a lot of the bone density.
Janet Lewis: | Is there a way for you to tell if you’ve lost bone density for people that don’t go to the doctor or want to have the bone scans done? Can you see that on your lab?
Dr. Lewis: | You can suspect it if you have too much calcium and it’s high, but I personally … We get a lot of people that want to do the natural thing and think that’s the end all and be all and they’re talking bad about the medical profession. I think that’s a big mistake. I think the medical profession does a lot of really good things. I think you should get your bone density test. I’ve never met an MD or a DO that wasn’t a great person that had the best interest at heart. So don’t be anti … This isn’t everything. It’s just I think the biggest missing piece in health in America is what Janet and I do. But please, keep seeing your MD. You need them. They’re great people.
Janet Lewis: | I think bone density tests are great because we’ve had people that have actually had those done several years in a row, and because of the supplements that we put them on, they’re actually reversing the bone loss. The doctor can’t believe it, and it’s beyond Vitamin D.
Dr. Lewis: | Yeah. If a doctor tells you Vitamin D and calcium, that’s elementary school. Come see us. Sometimes Janet and I will mention different products and you kind of really have to really call us first to get them because you’re not able to see them on our website unless you are a patient and have created an account. If we talk about something you want to know more about, be willing to call us, 903-663-1008, and you’ll get the sexy voice on the other side of the mic, not mine.
Janet Lewis: | Or just send me an email, which is on the website also. Once you’ve created an account, I can upgrade you so that you can see the other products.
Dr. Lewis: | Yeah. You know, I’m just going to throw out a lot of Steven-isms and hopefully you can get some sort of wisdom out of it. You know, if a drug fixed the problem you could really get off of it when it fixed the problem. But to create health, it takes time, effort, and money. Eating is either an act of nourishment or an act of assisted suicide. Many people get hooked, and they say, “But I don’t like the taste of this,” and I say, “Well, I don’t eat a lot of things because of the taste. I eat it because it’s a good thing, and there are many things that I think taste good that I really don’t eat.” You’ll hear me talk about Girl Scout cookies and ice cream, but I don’t do that very often.
I had a sweet lady the other day, says, “Well, I knew you were the one I wanted to be my coach because you were real.” I said, “Well, what’s unreal?” She says, “Well, you eat Girl Scout cookies.” I said, “I’m not going to insult my little Girl Scout hookup. I’m going to buy cookies and eat a few.” I give away about 95% of them. But think about this, folks. If you have a disease, that what’s called adaptive physiology. That means your body’s adapted to something that’s missing or maybe too many toxins.
We were going to talk about male health because many, many males have low testosterone. You see all the ads on TV, and then you see the lawyers’ ads about if you took this testosterone replacement and had a stroke, heart attack, or death call us and we’ll sue them. The point, is why are we losing our testosterone? The answer, to a large degree, is the estrogen-mimicking environmental chemicals. But if you are overweight, you have to understand that fat cells actually take testosterone and converts it to estrogen, which grows your prostate. If you have a prostate … Prostate, there’s only one R, guys. I hear that all day. Prostrate. No, one R.
When you have the … It converts testosterone to estrogen, and your prostate begins to grow, it increases your blood lipids, cholesterol. Think about it. Getting cholesterol down just for the sake of getting it down’s not good unless you find out what the underlying reason is. That’s usually high blood sugar because we eat too much sugar, too many carbs. Diabetes is not in other disease processes. It’s not your genetics, it’s not germs, and it’s not bad luck. It’s bad habits. People say, “Well, that’s what my daddy told me.” I say, “Well, he was wrong.” Remember, adaptive physiology. When you’re overweight, the adipose tissue is an endocrine organ.
I just saw on Facebook a while ago that a friend of mine’s getting a shot in his back. He’s quite a few years younger than me. I kind of adopted him when he was a kid to take him hunting and fishing and be a daddy figure to him, and I love this guy. I love this man. But he’s going to get a shot in his back, and he told me three or four months ago, and he says, “Doc, I really wish I’d listened to you.” I said, “What about?” And he said, “I should’ve taken better care of myself.” I said, “Yeah, well you can’t carry an extra 100, 150 pounds and not wonder why your back’s going to heck in a bucket.” That’s filtered, folks. I love the man and it frustrates me to see his life … He’s in his 40s, and his life is not nearly as good as it could be. Yes, it takes effort, and, yes, sometimes we have to do effort that we don’t necessarily like, but the rewards are so great.
Then there’s another thing that we don’t talk about a lot, is sex hormone-binding globulin and GH, growth hormone. Well, that’s the one that goes low at night if your body’s full of sugar, or glucose. Think the ones that are diabetic and pre-diabetic also and it lowers testosterone on a man. Think about it. You can lose weight. There’s just so much to be said. I don’t know how much I’m going to get around to. Back in 2010, there was three times more Americans that were obese as compared to 1960, so in 50 years we have three times the obesity and six times that are morbidly obese, which is the body mass index of above 40, which is pretty fluffy.
Let me tell you what, and I’ve been wanting to talk about cancer for a long time. If you have cancer, you always want to see an oncologist, somebody that specializes in cancer. Now, I have some that I suggest because they take an integrative approach. Low testosterone can actually contribute to many of the cancers, and just the excess body fat alone … I’m talking about body fat and cancer because that’s either from low testosterone or helps create low testosterone. The body fat increases 49% of endometrial cancers, 35% of esophageal cancers, 28% of a pancreatic cancers, and that’s a pretty bad fast-moving cancer and that’s why you need a really good cancer doctor, increases 24% of kidney cancers, 21% of gallbladder cancers, 17% of breast cancers, and 9% of colorectal cancers. That’s just one factor, and that’s being obese. I hate it, but here’s the thing. Some will.
Janet Lewis: | Are you saying that low testosterone can contribute to this?
Dr. Lewis: | Yeah, and obesity, how it ties in. It’s usually not one thing, and people usually get in, “Oh, it’s this one thing.” Well, it’s the reductionist thinking that gets us in trouble in the first place, like, “Oh, I’m a thyroid patient.” No, what’s causing that? Yeah, I want people to look at it. Well, if this therefore what about this and this and this and this? If you think several steps beyond that, you need deductive reasoning but you need inductive reasoning, so a good blend between the two. My body mass index is in the normal range, and there’s a lot of things that I do. I don’t eat the Girl Scout cookies. I don’t eat very many of them, anyway.
Janet Lewis: | You just said you ate Girl Scout cookies. Now you don’t eat Girl Scout cookies.
Dr. Lewis: | I don’t eat many of them so far.
Janet Lewis: | You’re confusing everyone. You’re saying moderation, right?
Dr. Lewis: | Well, I bought … I don’t know how many boxes I got. Do you know, Janet?
Janet Lewis: | A lot of money’s worth. Dr. Lewis is her favorite customer.
Dr. Lewis: | Okay. Well, I got a bunch. I’ve eaten half a box of one type and half a box of the other. I think really I got 50-something boxes.
Janet Lewis: | And he’s had them about three weeks now.
Dr. Lewis: | Well, but we’ve given them to the lady at the cleaner’s and the lady at the bank, and where else?
Janet Lewis: | Anywhere we’d like new patients.
Dr. Lewis: | The AT&T guys that come in here and try to get our phone line. I’m sorry the phone lines have been messed up because AT&T, they have a win-back department. They want us back, and they’re not earning that, but that’s another thing. Your goal should be to die young. Old age, young body. That’s real possible. Most people don’t believe I’m as old as I am, and I certainly don’t act it. Janet will tell you I act about half my age and I act younger than her, which is really surprising because she’s young and hot anyway. One third of all cancers are linked to obesity, poor diet, and inactivity. You know, that’s from the American Cancer Society.
Janet Lewis: | You’re just depressed when you have all that inactivity, poor diet.
Dr. Lewis: | Yeah. Which causes which? Does inactivity cause depression? I think so. Does depression cause inactivity? I think so.
Janet Lewis: | Cold weather does too.
Dr. Lewis: | Yeah. It’s kind of gloomy here in Texas. But sometimes you have to pick yourself up by the bootstraps and talk good, because if you talk bad you’re going to get more of it. Although all cancers I think involve your genes, it’s not that all cancer is hereditary, because only about 5% of all cancers are very strongly hereditary. It’s an inherited genetic alteration that creates a higher risk of developing one or more specific types of cancer, but it’s not inherited genes. It’s from the genes that have been damaged, and that’s the toxins that Janet and I consistently talk about. If you up your nutrient level, then your body has more of ability to detox. We had that question … Is it time for questions?
Janet Lewis: | Sure. We have some questions. You want to take questions right now? You’re all over the place. I’m just following your lead, so whatever you’re doing.
Dr. Lewis: | Really? I can dance and lead? Okay. I’m Baptist. I can’t dance until I’ve had enough to drink. I can’t. Inhibits or stops the inhibitory thought of, “I can’t dance.” Lauren asked me, young sweet girl, because she’s reading online about a detox, and she said they said that you should detox once or twice a year. I really agree with that, but there’s different ways to detox and different needs for different people. She says, “What do you think about this product?”
I said, “Well, we have one that’s almost exactly the same, only it costs half as much.” You have to be real careful because there’s a lot of hooey-hooey, smoke, mirrors. I see all kinds of people doing all kinds of products, and you know, most of them aren’t working and they cost two or three times as much as they should. So be careful about that.
Janet Lewis: | Well, I had a question from a lady that’s been having horrific debt problems, and you were talking about depression and things like that when you’ve got bad digestion-
Dr. Lewis: | Contributes to low testosterone, too.
Janet Lewis: | Yes, but it also causes everything to not function correctly, and we’re pretty excited. This product just came out. It used to be a prescription that, from our understanding, costs the patient $400 a month for this because it helped heal the GI tract and the intestines.
Dr. Lewis: | And immune problems, leaky gut. Yeah.
Janet Lewis: | Yes, and people with Crohn’s and that kind of thing, autoimmune problems in the gut. One of the companies we love, OrthoMolecular, actually, got the patent on it to make it. When drug companies can no longer sell it at that high cost and no one would buy it, they decided to release that patent so-
Dr. Lewis: | But it’s not a drug. That’s the cool part.
Janet Lewis: | Right. OrthoMolecular bought it and made a natural herbal product out of it. It’s called SBI, like Sam boy indigo, SBI Protect. It’s in a powder or capsules, and it will actually … If you’ve got bad leaky gut problems that’s actually a bad immune problem as well because that’s what happens. It starts leaking out, and then your immune system crashes or you can’t get your immune system very high. I’m particularly very happy about it because I have that problem, and it’s the IGGs and the immunoglobulins that make it work.
Dr. Lewis: | If you have any kind of autoimmune disease, this would be really kick butt in a good way.
Janet Lewis: | Yeah. That’s a great product, and the lady that I was going to tell you about, she’s always got horrible digestive problems and she said, “The minute that comes out, please let me know it’s here.” We’ve got her on it now, so she’s really excited about that as well. I’m hoping some other people will let us know how we’re doing on it because it’s going to be a game changer.
Dr. Lewis: | Yeah, very much so. We always say go to the gut, fix inflammation. There’s a report, 517 pages, Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and the Prevention of Cancer: A Global Perspective. It’s the largest study that explored the connection between lifestyle and cancer, and it’s the work of, I think, nine independent research teams that evaluated like 7,000 existing studies. What they found was that lifestyle changes, etc., etc. could prevent at least, at least, 30% of all cancer cases and two thirds of the cancer cases are caused by factors that doesn’t just include genetic predisposition, but it includes ultraviolet light, chemical pollutants, and smoking that Janet and I talk about. Yes, cleanse yourself. Yes, do it correctly. Call us, and we can go from there. I think Janet has another question turned in from someone.
Janet Lewis: | Trisha, which is kind enough to send us different questions. Trisha M. She’s wanting to know about tooth decay. She was sitting at the dentist with four of her children. Two, no dental problems and two had several cavities. Diet and brushing habits are the same, so she’s not sure she trusts the fluoride rinse, because that was supposed to help with the teeth. Her question is, what do you do about tooth decay? Why do some people … Why is it bad, and why is it not bad on some others? I got an answer for that.
Dr. Lewis: | Okay, go right ahead.
Janet Lewis: | I know part of it.
Dr. Lewis: | Go right ahead. She knows.
Janet Lewis: | Because I experienced that too.
Dr. Lewis: | Because she has perfect teeth and she gets younger by the year.
Janet Lewis: | My perfect teeth were beginning to rot at the root. Actually, before I found out about natural medicine-
Dr. Lewis: | Not rotting as in decay, just receding.
Janet Lewis: | Well, I was chewing a piece of gum. I was about 25, and a whole tooth came out. I thought, “Oh my goodness, what’s going on?” Well, it turns out that your teeth, your gums have got everything to do with your gut health. I have always had horrible gut health, and whenever you can’t get the right nutrition then your teeth start disappearing. I have beautiful teeth. The whole tooth just came out. I think a lot of it’s
Dr. Lewis: | I didn’t know that.
Janet Lewis: | I’m sorry. I have a fake one, and I’m not going to tell you where it is.
Dr. Lewis: | Really? I didn’t know that. Geez, I’m a bad husband.
Janet Lewis: | Anyway, as time has gone on my teeth are actually healthier now in this age I am, which is not 25 anymore, and I’m actually getting better dental reports than I have ever gotten. The gum health has got a whole lot to do with it. If they’re bloody and red, that’s a sign of your gut health as well.
Dr. Lewis: | And cardiovascular health too.
Janet Lewis: | Right. Now you can see they’re very light pink and pretty. The thing that we use, and people need to do their own thing, but the big thing that we use for tooth or mouthwash stuff, we very much like Young Living oils. They’ve got a mouthwash called Thieves that we use, and then we get the food-grade hydrogen peroxide and mix the two together. I personally make it a little hotter because of my gum situation, and I don’t like going to the dentist so I do everything I can to make sure I don’t have to go very often. Dr. Lewis doesn’t like it that hot, so-
Dr. Lewis: | And I don’t go to the dentist anyway. That’s not true. I love my dentist. She’s a great lady.
Janet Lewis: | But he doesn’t need it as bad as I do, and so we don’t mix it that hot. But you really need to watch the food-grade hydrogen peroxide because it will burn you. It’s not the stuff you’re buying from the drugstore.
Dr. Lewis: | We have that too, but the other thing, Trish, for your kids is probiotics because I put probiotics in my mouth and we have those. There’s certain types of probiotics that can actually decrease plaquing, and we have those.
Janet Lewis: | We have a toothpaste that we have used for years. It’s got those same probiotics Dr. Lewis is talking about that are loose that you put in the mouth. It’s in their toothpaste also. It’s a Designs for Health product. It’s called Perio Paste, or something like that. I’ll look it up and put it in the show notes, but it’s something we do carry here in the store and we’ve been using that forever. Between those three, the dentist really can’t find anything wrong when I go in now. I’m pretty excited about that, because I’m not real thrilled with doing anything that they have going on there, because it’s usually pretty painful.
Dr. Lewis: | You know, probiotics are so incredibly important, even in the expression of the microbiome in your GI tract to decrease cancer, to increase testosterone, da, da, da, da, da, and to decrease weight. We have one that’s actually a streptococcus salivarius, and that is a good strep. We’ve had so many people that take this. It’s for eye, ear, nose … Well, ear, nose and throat, and people come in and say, “Oh my God, I can’t believe it. My throat is just so much better,” and it kills the bad strep, and sometimes within one or two tablets. It’s kind of an incredible thing.
Janet Lewis: | I’ll let you handle this question when we’re still on the mouth here. Joe L.-
Dr. Lewis: | From Saline, Michigan.
Janet Lewis: | … is asking about mercury fillings. He wants to know if it’s worth it to remove mercury fillings from your mouth.
Dr. Lewis: | Oh, really controversial. Thanks, Joe. The quick answer is I do not know. I talked to two different dentists many years ago, and neither one of them thought it was a big deal. One of them says, “Well, my dad used to do it, and he’d mix the amalgam with his hand.” I said, “Yeah, but mercury is a major contributing factor to kidney cancer. What’d he die from?” She said, “Kidney cancer.” I don’t know. Some dentists think it’s okay.
I’d say get two or three opinions, but both of these dentists participated just to humor me and took the mercury out of my mouth. One, the more meticulous one, he used a rubber dam and I didn’t get sick at all. The other one is just like, “Yeah, okay,” drilling. I swallowed a lot of that stuff and I got really, really sick. I personally don’t want mercury in my mouth, but you’ve got to understand some of the dental bonding agents like … What is it called? Methyl acrylate, I think, has been known to cause sudden heart attacks. There’s toxins everywhere.
Janet Lewis: | Playing with those thermometers when you were a kid, or when you were our age, they were popular. They had mercury in them, we’d break them open, and then …
Dr. Lewis: | Yeah, play with it in our hands. The point is, you can’t really avoid all the toxins. I think it’s better if you decrease the toxins, but if you’re going to do that talk to a biological dentist, which I don’t know if they overplay that. I don’t know. But I would sure be jacked up on some liver cleansing stuff, and we have some liposomal glutathione and things that will clean, clean, clean and make you feel good and just so that if it does get in your system that your body can detox that. There’s so many detoxification pathways that we’re going to talk about it the future anyway.
Janet Lewis: | Yeah, that liposomal recharge is really excellent for that to detoxify [crosstalk 00:25:50].
Dr. Lewis: | Yeah. If I get sluggish and grumpy, she brings it to me and says, “Here, drink it.” It’s like, well, that wasn’t whisky. She says, “No, it wasn’t.”
Janet Lewis: | Okay, what is … This is from Lauren T. from Texas. What is a great occasional cleanse?
Dr. Lewis: | Well, that’s the one I talked about a while back.
Janet Lewis: | CM Core?
Dr. Lewis: | Oh, I didn’t talk about that.
Janet Lewis: | That’s what I’m asking.
Dr. Lewis: | You’re good. That’s a really good one. Again, it’s going to be the different product for different people. I like the CM Core because it has berberine and alpha-lipoic acid. Alpha-lipoic acid is a cleanser like oh my God. You need to get some of that every day in your system. The berberine has a tendency to help the microbiome in the diet or in the GI tract to work correctly.
Janet Lewis: | The berberine also helps you to stop sugar cravings. If you’re craving a lot of dairy-
Dr. Lewis: | Girl Scout cookies.
Janet Lewis: | … Mexican food-
Dr. Lewis: | Oh, don’t be racist.
Janet Lewis: | … and you’re feeling yeasty, CM Core is a great one to clean all of that up.
Dr. Lewis: | Yeah. So just to go back to, yes, I think cleansing is very, very good but I’ve seen some of those infomercials on TV and I think of the term BS. That stands for belief systems or bacon sandwich, depending on whether you’re talking to me or the preacher that says BS in his pulpit. He says it’s bacon sandwich. I think it’s belief systems. It’s not really so much genetics that cause these problems, whether we’re talking about cancer, low testosterone, or diabetes or whatever.
The reason I say that is because there was a study, and I’ve read a lot of them, but this one’s from New England Journal of Medicine. They checked 44,788 pairs of twins. This was a huge study. Identical twins did not experience cancer at the same rate so, well, if it was just genetics it would be exactly the same. Then there’s low death rate of breast and colon cancer in Japan, but once a person comes from Japan, within two to three generations they get the same rate of colon cancer and breast cancer as anybody else living in the United States. So that would say food and environment has a lot to do with it.
Janet Lewis: | Well-
Dr. Lewis: | Go ahead.
Janet Lewis: | I wanted to talk a little bit about the food stuff, the food allergies, which was another question here. I don’t know that we’re going to get around to answering it this time, but numerous people have asked us about food allergy testing. We’ve not recommended anything because, frankly, we think it’s really overpriced and we’re trying to find an inexpensive way to include it on our website so that we could get you guys tested for food allergies that wanted to.
Dr. Lewis: | At a much lower cost. But it’s got to be really, really good, so we’re working on it.
Janet Lewis: | Yeah. At the end of March we may have more answers for that, so stay tuned for that. We are going to talk to a company about that and see if we can’t get a really good price and get that added in. So hang on for that one. In the meantime, those of you who have done lab or have not done lab and don’t know what we do, you can always start with lab work because we think ultimately that’s the first place to start to see what’s going on with your health. When you go on our website at greenwisdomhealth.com, you will see the lab panels there. Always make sure that you pick one of the ones that start with GWH. They’ll have a number in them, one through seven, and those all include Dr. Lewis’ complimentary consultation and wit to go over your lab findings and results-
Dr. Lewis: | Or lack of wit.
Janet Lewis: | … and a supplement schedule of his recommendation so that you’re no longer guessing at what’s going on with your health. If you’ve heard a lot of good information today, and hopefully you have and can put it in some sort of order, we have a whole lot of things to talk about.
Dr. Lewis: | So I’ve got notes that I can go three or four more podcasts and it’ll be just as convoluted as this. Look forward to it. Buckle your seat belt. We’ll be back after a little bit.
Janet Lewis: | And we’ll talk to you next time. Have a great day.